Chapter 15

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"NO!! the theme should be bright red and white!!" complained Carm.

" Do you want to make it look like Valentine's day?" asked Amy crossing her arms.

"NO PEOPLE PURPLE IT IS!!" shouted Zee slamming her fist on the table.

"Purple is nice" said Livie earning a thumbs up from Zee and wild glares from the others. 

"Please let us wear any colour we want. Dresses aren't important guys it's the decorations and the food. OMG THE FOOD!!" Steph said.

"What about the music? It is not a party without music. Why are we fighting over stuff like dresses when we have more important things to plan?" said Livie.


"Guys let's go shopping tomorrow evening. Now let's focus on the other stuff" said Amy. After three long hours of planing the girls started cleaning. They called some boys to help them with the heavy work. Steph and Livie went rigid all over when Jules and four other boys entered from the back door. Livie quickly grabbed Steph by the arm and disappeared to the kitchen. Carm who was cleaning the cupboards raised an eyebrow. Neither Steph nor Livie step a foot out of the kitchen after that. The sun was setting and Steph needed to go home early. So she left.

Livie worked hard on scrubbing the sinks and she was sweating all over. Then came Zee, "It's just the two of left lets go." 

"Ok" said Livie standing up. "And oh, bring the other box with you" said Zee lifting one by herself and heading out. "THE KEYS ARE ON THE COUNTER" Livie heard her shout after a while. She sighed and lifted the remaining box. Wow! this is heavy!

She grabbed the keys from her finger tips and head out. She couldn't see ahead because the box was covering her face. She slowly made her way out but tripped near the stairs. The box went flying and Livie almost fell if not for the strong pair of arms which caught her.

Yet, she scrapped her knee a bit. It was bleeding. She didn't care about the wound but her heart jumped out of her chest when seeing herself in Jules' arms. She quickly jumped back which made her fall backwards. 

"Are you okay?!" he asked helping her up again.

"My butt hurts" she replied dusting herself.

"You're bleeding" he said making a sincere face.

"Nah.. it's fine"

"No it isn't" he dragged Livie into his house and made her sit on the couch. He came with a medical kit and knelt infront of her. Livie's heart was doing jumping jacks. He slowly started cleaning her wound. She got goosebumps on his touch. He finally finished while Livie stayed frozen like a statue.

"Better?" he asked. She nodded and looked away. "You want me to kiss it and make it much better?" he said mockingly. 

"ExCuSe mE??!!" 

"Just kidding"

Silence followed. It was getting awkward. The air between them was filled with high voltage electricity.

"I'm sorry" they both said after what felt like forever.

"NO!! I'm sorry" Livie started shushing Jules. " I shouldn't have shouted at you like that. It was my fault. All my fault. I should have told you about Jade. I should have left poor Steph out of this. I should have done a lot of things. You had every right to get angry. I have a nasty quality of not wanting to be wrong. But every one has their flaws and that what makes them human. Okay I'm rambling.. But I mean it. I'm very sorry" for some reason tears started falling from Livie's eyes.

"I-" Jules was speechless. He went over and hugged the girl. Livie could feel his heart beating faster than hers. He slowly placed a kiss on her hair. "It's okay.. I'm all about forgiveness" he smiled. 

They were friends again. Livie felt lucky having Jules. He was such a kind and lovely boy.


It was raining cat and dogs outside. Someone was knocking on Livie's door. What the hell? She checked her phone. It was twelve thirty in the night. She slowly got out of bed and opened the door, still in her pajamas. 

"WHO EVER YOU ARE GET LOST CUZ YOU INTERRUPTED MY DREAM WITH JEON JUNGKO-!!" but she was cut midsentence after seeing who was there at the door. She almost screamed.

Her clothes were dripping heavily with water. Her make up was ruined which made her look like a zombie from train to busan. Her eyes were red and teary probably from crying. Her hair was a hot mess. 

"JADE?! " Livie gasped.

A/n - Peace out. :)

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