Try Me Baby

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Summary : - basically, Mild's words trigger curiosity in Gulf's brain and Mew is happy to indulge,

Gulf couldn’t stop thinking about it, P’Mild had only meant it as a joke and he had brushed it aside immediately but now that he had time, his brain couldn’t help going back to the conversation, which wasn’t exactly a good idea since right now he should be focusing on P’Mew.

Both of them had been very busy lately and they didn’t get to spend as much time together as they wished but it was a small price to pay for their hard work bearing fruit. P’Mew had been especially happy even though he worked himself to the point of exhaustion more than once, but Gulf didn’t try to stop him, only slow him down enough that he would remember to breathe, after all his Phi was the happiest when he worked and Gulf would never interfere with that unless it became too serious.

He definitely wanted to keep a more watchful eye on him, more so after he got hospitalized more than once, but he himself didn’t have much time to complain with his own work keeping him busy.

Whatever! He decided he would worry about that later, for now he would just focus on the hand playing with his hair. Unfortunately for him though, his Phi seemed to have sensed his distress, because he turned him to face him.

“What’s wrong Tua-aeng?”  Mew asked, nuzzling against Gulf’s cheeks, he loved how soft and squishy they were, he was almost tempted to take a bite of it but settled for a kiss, with a promise of doing more later.

“Nothing Phi!” Gulf exclaimed, wiggling in Mew’s arms, they had been cuddling in the comfort of their shared condo, and he really didn’t want to ruin the mood.

“Tell me naaa” Mew said sweetly, making Gulf look at him as he pouted.

“P’Mild said something” Gulf blurted out, regretting it immediately when he saw Mew’s furrowed brows. This is why he didn’t want to talk about it, he didn’t know how his Phi would react to it.

Mew on the other hand was worried at the possibilities, he knew he could trust Mild and that he wouldn’t do anything bad, so he couldn’t think of the reason behind his Tua-aeng’s distress. “What did he say?”  Mew asked, worried that his trust had been betrayed.

“Nothing just forget about it” Gulf whined, he had already ruined the peaceful mood and guilt had begun clawing at his chest. Choosing to tuck himself under Mew’s chin so he would not be asked any more questions.

“Tua-aeng please, tell me,” Mew asked.

Gulf flinched at the tone, it was that worried tone. The tone that meant his Phi was minutes away from overthinking and exploding.

When he realised the words didn’t work, Mew pulled Gulf away and straddled him, if he couldn’t win with his words, his actions would have to do the speaking.

Gulf blushed at the sudden change of positions, hands instinctively wrapping around Mew’s neck, as the elder snuggled into his body, pressing a small kiss to his chest making Gulf giggle at the soft affection.

“Fine… “ Gulf sighed, there was no escaping this. And it was just about positions so who cares, “P’Mild joked about MewGulf being GulfMew” He rushed, his hand playing with Mew’s hair as he looked everywhere but in Mew’s eyes.

MewGulf Oneshots 18+Where stories live. Discover now