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Summary: Just the love between Mew and Gulf, mixed with Gulf being a Trans man and there being tentacles.

Mew still remembers the day he had first met Gulf, the younger had crashed into him and then gone into a fit of apologising, even though Mew had said it’s okay. He remembers being enamored by good looking the younger had been. He remembers thinking of ways to see him again.

Destiny had been on his side as they were made to work together for a project, at first Gulf had been so shy, so reserved, he had been a very good boy who would listen to everything Mew said but then Gulf had started getting comfortable with him and little by little his bratty self started showing and somehow it had managed to make Mew fall harder.

He was sure everyone had known how whipped he had been for Gulf, he would have been surprised if Gulf hadn’t noticed because Mew had. Mew had noticed the infatuation Gulf had with him too, the lingering stares he felt on the side of his face when he wasn’t looking right at him.

The blush on Gulf’s cheeks when he would catch him staring, the shy smiles he would send him every once in a while, the way he would lean into the elder's touch, almost reveling in it. The way he would look at him whenever Mew would crack a bad joke and expect him to laugh at it, the way he would widen his shoulder whenever Mew leaned his head on him.

It didn’t leave any doubt in Mew’s head that the younger was also attracted to him, so he had been confused why he hadn’t made a move on it, after thinking hard about it he had chalked it up to Gulf being a shy person, even though he had come far from that at least in front of Mew.

Mew had finally chalked up enough courage to ask Gulf out, he knew he wouldn’t be rejected. Gulf had made sure to let Mew know of his action from his actions and he trusted their bond, even if Gulf didn’t accept him they could still be friends.

He remembers the way Gulf had almost teared up, smiling so wide and happily before his smile turned a little pensive, he remembers the way Gulf had held his hand and dragged him into the privacy of his bedroom, the he had tightened his grip before he had shakily told Mew he was a trans man, looking scared that Mew would leave to which Mew had replied with a simple kiss to his forehead and asking Gulf to be his boyfriend.

He remembers holding Gulf, as the boy cried tears of relief and told him the reasons behind his fears, he remembers feeling intense rage towards everyone who had hurt his sweet boy. It had been another 2 years before Gulf had come out to his family and thankfully they had all happily accepted him, helping him through the transition.

He remembers standing by the side, when his family had showered him with all the love and praises for coming out to them, holding back his own tears, he remembers how softly Gulf had kissed him that night, he remembers that being the first time he had felt an unknown touch on his body. He remembers brushing it off only for it to happen again the next time they had kissed. He never asked about it, chalking it all up to his own imagination.

Until today, until this very moment when he sat in front of Gulf, looking down at their conjoined hands, watching as Gulf came out to him a second time, for the first time Mew felt difficulty in believing it, even as he looked at the proof right in front of his eyes.

“P’Mew…“ Gulf called out to Mew softly, his voice barely a whisper, his eyes holding fear, the same fear they had held 2 years and 6 months ago when he had come out to Mew for the first time. Mew hated that look, he had hated it back then and he hated that look now, and so he did the only thing that felt right.

MewGulf Oneshots 18+Where stories live. Discover now