This is Really Happening?!

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Soo this is my first story... I hope you like it ill try to update a lot and i will try not keep you hanging. ENJOY!!! PG-14. Not completely edited, sorry.

Chapter one: This is really happening?!

Omg!!!!!! i HATE my life! i am sitting in a closet (god knows what has happened in here to make it smell so bad) and i never want to come out! Melly Frangie just ruined my life.

There i was sitting in the library eating lunch with my best friend Veronica, and i hear over psa "ATTENTION ALL STUDENTS! ELLA HEMWORTH IS A BULLY SHE KICKED ME RIGHT IN THE FOOT, AND NOW MY CHEER SQUAD IS NOT ABLE TO PARTICIPATE IN THE PEP RALLY. Sorry, about the inconvience, GO BOBCATS!...".

Man i really hate how her mom is the principle and she has complete access over the intercom. It sucks. anyways, doesn't sound that bad right, just tell everybody she lied and poof all gone! But no!

We have dumb ass boys, Bad-boys, Bad dumb-ass boys, sweet dumb-ass boys, and lastly sweet boys. My personal favorite, but none are atracted to the one that hides behing her glasses and black hair.

My mom says i have gorgeous green eyes, but i don't think so...

Anyways, back to my story. All i heard all day was,

" Is that her?"

"Such a hater."

"I heard she punched Melly in the face too."

That's when Erik Hughes the school's Smokey eyed bad-boy, came to me.

"So i heard you punched.Melly in the face." He said with a delighted smirk on his face.

"I did not! She--"

"I know stop getting all hormonal on me. I asked Dylan who you were, and he told me and when i saw you i knew you were not capable of that."

"Gee thanks." "Anyways, i'm leaving now."

"Don't think i liked this little chat of our becuase i didn't."

"Bite me." I was so suprised that came out of my mouth, I never say stuff like that.

"Just tell me where sunshine."

And that is when i didn't know what to do. And that how i became in this closet. *Knock on door* I opened to find my best friend Veronica.

"You ok?"

"yeah, why wouldn't i be?"

"Maybe becuase your not really on anybodys good side?", she said gently.

Gee thanks.

"This is really happening??"

Wooo!:-) :-) :-) i love this!!! Comment about if i should Keep going, or just give up. FOLLOW
Voteeeee for shoutout.

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