"Its not like i like him!...right?"

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Soo this is my third chapter in this chapter the first stage of his beautt project takes place: facial appearance. Enjoy vote And comment. Unedited, if you see any typos  let me know by commenting, thanks!

Chapter 3: "Its not like i like him!...right?"

  I have been staring at my phone for the past thirty minutes not knowing what to reply to message that sits on my screen.

Erik: u ready to start the first step of my project?

  I didn't know six words could impact me so greatly.

What should i say? "Ya"? "Of course"? Or maybe i could go out on a limb and say " i guess"?

Ok, ok i have decided on "sure", simple but not too eager. I mean why would i care? Its not like i like him!...right?

Anyways back to the text. Ok...and send

Me: sure

I was suprised when almost immediately my phone dinged back.

Erik: k. Where do you live? Ill come pick you up.

Me: 335 nw seashell lane. Where are we going?

Erik: its suprise, sunshine, all you need to know is to dress comfortable, something you dont mind getting dirty. Omw be there in 15.

Me: k

Omjesus i just had a whole freaking conversation with Erik Hughes!

Omjesus. I only have ten minutes to get dressed!

I run to my closet pull on a pair on Aeroposalé grey joggers and a tie dye.shirt i.made at hippodrome camp when i was fifteen.

I examine myself in the mirror; green eyes, black hair, tan skin.

My mom says people would kill to have my skin color.

I was inturrupted by my thoughts by the sound of the doorbell.

i run downstairs abd open the door to see Erik dressed faded jeans that fit him just perfectly, and a baby blue v-neck tee.

"Like what you see?",he asks with a grin on his face.

"I've seen better pretty boy.", i said with a laugh, wow i am on a roll today!

"Ow, Ella bella that really hurt.", he said with his hand over his heart.

"Ella bella?"

"Yeah, that's your new nickname." he grabbed ny arm not giving me a chance to respond and pulled me toward the car.

"Wait!i need my shoes!", i say looking down at my black no-show socks.

"Ugh fine."

I ran inside grabbed my navy Keds andr ran to the car.and climbed right in.

"Seatbelt.", he ordered

"Ok, dad!",i said sassingly.

"He glared at ne and started the engine. The ride to.wherever he was taking me was very silent and awkward.

After what seemed like twenty hours we pulled up to a hair and nail salon.

"This is the first part of the project. Facial makeover."

I stated silent while he greeted the check-in lady and told him his last name.

"Oh, right here...Hughes.""how.old are you?"she asked him.

"Seventeen." he answered with an unreadable expression.

"Ohhh.",she said flirtatiously

He lead ne away.and after i was in view of the check-in clerk, i started dying laughing.

"You.reay.attract.the.older.ladies.dont.you.", i said.in between breaths.

"Shutup.", he said flatly.

Just then we were greated by a women with smokey eyes and red spikey hair.

"Hi. Im angel. I will be the one doing you hair today!", she greeted.

"uuuuum hi im kinda new at this."

"Oh, it's ok, just sit in the chair and relax, she directed.

"So are we doing with your hair today?"

I look at Erik for direction and he seems to know what to do.

"I dont really know. Anything but this. Suprise us, but make it gorgeous."

"Can do.", she replies examining my hair.


Im staring in the mirror evaluating my new ombré hair. Itsa absolutely gorgeous, its wavy and blond at the ends.

"So whatya think?" l, she asks eagerly.

"I, i love it.", i say speechless.

I look up at Erik he is smiling in satisfaction.

"Its stunning.", he says.

Wow that.was actually a compliment

Relizing what i just relized

he stuffs his hands in his pockets, "well, you know, if you like that sorta stuff."

Way to ruin the perfect perfect moment bud.

Soo good?? I know things.will.get way more exiting soon, just wait, soon their will be an Eriks pov, but not yet. Hope like it. Vote, comment. And follow if you have not already

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