written in the stars

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August arrived with another 31 days and a shimmering sunlight

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August arrived with another 31 days and a shimmering sunlight. Asahi, head pressed onto the desk and eyes glued on the book laid there, had long drowned out whatever the history teacher was saying. Apparently zoning out for a few minutes can make you miss the whole escalation from world war 1 to 2 because the only thing he can vaguely remember was the teacher droning on about some weird trenches and he definitely wasn't on the right chapter. He groggily flipped through the crinkly papers, a few of them being dog-eared and making him cringe. Blinking at the dull presentation slides, his eyes only spotted the tiny numbers at the corner, writing 10:30. Break. Finally was the only thing he could utter at this point. He slid his book into his bag and shuffled out the classroom, seeing as Haruto was by the door. Nothing unusual. Haruto was leaning against the wall, his phone in hand while he awaited Asahi's arrival. To anyone else, it might have seemed as if they were dating. Asahi winced at that thought. Sure the idiot was attractive, but he could never imagine himself dating that man. Or maybe it's because his eyes could only light up at the thought of that one person; maybe it's because the idea of a perfect relationship was always painted with him. He tapped Haruto's shoulder before muttering, "You're getting me sushi. Let's go."

Seated at a random table in the cafeteria, Asahi was now devouring the sushi, which his best friend only bought for him begrudgingly. The cafeteria was a tad bit too loud for his own liking, but he needed to eat. His eyes roamed the crowded place, landing on his friend who was chowing down ramen way too quick for his own good. Despite ruffling his friend's hair at that moment, Asahi couldn't help but roll his eyes at the guy, who is somehow his best friend.
"Eat slowly or you'll choke. Stupid."
"No I won't. Look, I'm done. Zero choking hazards."
Haruto retorted, pointing to the empty bowl after savouring the last bits of his meal.
"Whatever. You wanted to tell me about your cute guy?"
"Right, I saw him this morning. At the lockers? Yeah, there."
"Uhuh," Asahi added as he picked at his food with chopsticks, indicating that he was indeed listening.
"He was with his friends, talking about some stuff. I don't know what though; they were whispering. Point is he looked really cute."
"Were you staring?"
"Ish. Pretty sure he noticed cause he waved at me."
"Please tell me you waved back and didn't run away blushing like the lovesick boy you are."
"Asahi, I'm not an idiot. Of course I waved back." Haruto responded.
"It was a reasonable statement. You're almost always an idiot."
"Fuck you."
"Go fuck your crush instead."
Haruto clicked his tongue, shaking his head before going on to continue the conversation.
"Anyway, you haven't told me about your crush. I wanna know."
"Yeah uh no."
Haruto whined, arms stretched out on the old, worn out table. As his friend complained about him being mean, Asahi's observant self noticed a tall man (not the tallest, but still taller than himself) whose eyes never left Haruto. Making out some of the guy's features, he was quickly identified as Haruto's crush - Junkyu. He supposed Junkyu had caught onto the fact that Asahi saw him staring, because his pale cheeks immediately flushed a soft pink before turning back to face his own friends.
"Hm," he asked, shifting his attention back at Haruto.
"Were you listening?"
"No you didn't."
"Doesn't matter. I was doing something important."
"Like zoning out?"
Shrugging, Asahi dropped the last piece of sushi in his mouth and dumped the plastic packaging into the bin. He looked back up to see Junkyu and his friend heading towards their direction. He smirked and mouthed 'incoming', which left Haruto more confused than ever. Hearing a soft "hey" from his crush was enough to make Haruto panic, even in the slightest. His attempt at playing it cool failed when his words came out wrong. On the other hand, Asahi was having a hard time stifling his laughter, watching the two awkward boys trying to socialise.
"Um, I came over to ask if I could uh talk to Haruto. Privately. It's totally okay if you can't, you know priorities and all but if you can, then well. Well, that's great."
Softening at his rambling, Haruto nodded and trailed after Junkyu who was a nervous wreck. Asahi grinned at this sight; at least one of them would have a love life.

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