The Protagonist is Born.

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A Riolu hatched from an egg, the parents were happy to see that they Riolu was hatched, They Named him Bandit. There was more than 1 egg though it was 2 more eggs still not ready to hatch yet. After a few years the family gotten attacked by a Group, they captured them all. The Parents tried their hardest to Protect our Protagonist but he got hurt more than his parents, They locked him up in a cage to watch his parents suffer and he screamed their name our crying but it was too late... They murdered them. He started to scream their name "MOM!! DAD!!" but they didn't respond at all... After that, some pokemon came to save the Protagonist, and afterward, they put him in the Pokemon Center and left so he wouldn't know much info about him. He was woken by the Pokemon trainer traumatized by what just happened so he sobs and runs out of the pokemon center. Nurse joy said with a shock on her face "Wait Come back!".

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