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Grace smirked to herself as she woke up in bed with warren. 

She could feel how turned on he was as she felt his morning stood press against her back as she rolled over so that she was facing him and smirked as she placed a hand on his cheek and smiled "are you okay" warren asked as grace looked to him and nodded

"I'm fine I am just worried over Sienna. I know her and I know what my father put her through all of these years and I know he wasn't the best father I mean he didn't treat me the best but at the end of the day he is my father and someone did this to him and I just want to find out who did this and I won't be able to rest until I find out the truth and I hate it" grace said as he looked to her and smiled as he placed a hand on her cheek and smiled as he leant in and kissed her

"we will find out and we will get sienna out. I know you think she didn't do this and if you say it I will believe it but you forget just what your sister is capable of" warren said as she smiled

"trust me I know but it's not murder" grace said Knowing mac had something to do with it  
Grace smiled as she got to the prison as she saw Sienna. She wanted to see how her sister was. Grace looked as sienna sat down. Grace looked to her and smiled

"how is Nico" sienna asked as grace looked to her and smiled

"she's fine. She misses her mum but she knew you didn't do this and I know that you didn't do this. I know that you are being framed but we are going to find out the truth" grace said as she looked to sienna

"I don't know how much longer I can cope in here grace. It is driving me mad and all that is getting me through it is Nico and thinking over her and hoping that she is okay. I didn't kill our father but they don't believe me apparently my hair was in his hand when they found the body but I swear I didn't do it" sienna said as grace smiled

"someone is trying to frame you and I swear we will find out the truth as I am betting it is Maxine. It's always down to her and we know that our family has not been the same since she got involved" grace said as sienna smiled

"I hope that you are right as I don't know how much longer I can last in here" sienna said as grace looked to her and smiled

Grace sighed as she stood in the village. She stood watching Maxine as she stood with Minnie as warren walked over to her and wrapped his arms around her waist and he pulled her close and kissed her and smiled

"what are you plotting" warren asked as she looked to him and chuckled

"nothing I mean I am just watching Maxine as she will mess up, I will find a way to prove she has framed my sister and it will all be okay" grace said

Grace didn't care what it took she wanted Maxine to pay

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