Chapter 1

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"I won't say no again, Farren." Aiden said, storming past me. "I don't want to hear anymore of your whining."

"Aiden, I just want to know why I can't see my brother. Please." I begged. In a flash, he was in front of me. I tried not to flinch as he punched me hard in the gut. I doubled over as I tried to catch my breath. He laughed at that but kept walking. Wesley gave me a sympathetic look before following his brother. I collapsed on the ground, sobbing. I couldn't stop thinking about how wrong all of this was.

I found out a year ago that Aiden was my mate. He was just as ruthless as the rumors said he was. The alpha who only cared about power, not his pack. A year of abuse of all kinds and I was at my end. I couldn't do this anymore. I'd been talking to other members of the pack and started noticing the patterns. Other members were going through the same thing I was. Men, women, and children being abused. All low ranking wolves, too scared to come forward or fight back. The men were the hardest to get through to. They thought no one would believe them but I did. I knew they were telling the truth. A plan was forming but I needed my brother.

I was so lost in thought that I didn't hear footsteps approach. I saw a pair of boots right in front of me but I knew who it was before I looked up. Wesley, my savior on many occasions. He sighed before bending over to scoop me up. This unspoken thing between us burned brighter. My heart pounded nearly every time he was near.

"I'm sorry, Farren." He murmured, carrying me up to my room. "I tried to talk to him but he won't hear it."

"I can't do this anymore, Wesley." I whispered. "I need to get away from here. I need my brother."

"I want to help. I can't stand to see you like this." He replied. He stopped in front of my room and set me down. He looked around real quick before leaning in close to me and grabbing my hand. "I'll keep you updated on things going on around here. In case the opportunity comes. Be careful."

He shoved something into my hand before storming off. I quickly went into my room and locked the door. I listened for several minutes, making sure no one was coming down the hall. Once I knew I was safe, I looked down at my hand. It was a disposable phone. Wesley was on my side. I wish I could openly tell him how I feel. How in love with him I was. But I couldn't. He's my mates brother. The best thing for me to do was leave.

I turned the phone on and quickly dialed my brothers number, anxiously waiting for him to pick up. I didn't have to wait long.

"Hello?" His voice coming through loud and clear.

"Torryn, it's me." I said quietly, trying to stop the tears.

"Farren! Goddess, what's been happening?" He practically yelled. "I've been trying to come see you but Aiden told me that you didn't want to see me. Tell me that's not true."

"It's not true, Torryn." I said quickly. "Bubs, he's evil. He's abusive and controlling and I need your help."

"Tell me everything, Ren." He said. So I did. I told him about the beatings, the rape, about every time he locked me in the basement. I left nothing out and by the end of it, I was sobbing.

He listened patiently and didn't interrupt. The pain from missing my twin was with me everyday but now it was unbearable. I needed my brother. I didn't like us being in different packs. When Aiden found me in my old pack, we left almost immediately. Torryn begged Aiden to let him join his pack. Seeing as how our old pack held no more familial ties. Our parents were gone and we had no other family. Just each other. But Aiden refused, telling him that I needed to start my new life as Luna with no distraction. Apparently, that didn't stop Torryn from trying to see me this past year. When I was done talking he told me how he kept trying. He even tried the previous week by showing up but Aiden still refused.

"We need to come up with a plan." He told me. "A way to get you out of there."

"It's not just me." I said. "There's so many others here that need help. Aiden may not let me act like it but I am their Luna. I have to protect them. But I have a plan. Sort of. I need your help and possibly Alpha Grayson's too."

Alpha Grayson of the Wind Creek Pack was my old Alpha. He was a kind man and knew what kind of person Aiden was. Grayson was the one who took us in when our parents died. He was like a father to us. He would definitely help.

"Alright, I'm listening." Torryn said, defiantly. Together, we came up with a plan that would set me and the others free.

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