Do you appreciate me?

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Youd joined his cult, not out of your own choice you just witnessed things that would get you killed if you told anyone , you were left with two options after you discovered who was behind the mass murdered in the town by watching it from your window three months ago. You were either to join the cult, or be killed. In your head it didn't seem too bad. You thought maybe later on in the future, you could maybe leave or plot a great escape that would get you famous and you'd have your own reality show, documentary and book about 'how I escaped the cult'.
But for now you were stuck. And terrified, yes you were in the cult but it didn't feel like it.
'I need you to flirt with him as a distraction'
'Bat your eyelids and lure him to me'
You were constantly ordered by kai, you were the bait, the cult saw it as a compliment. 'We'd be nowhere without your good looks my darling' kai would say as an attempt to manipulate you and make you stay.
Your sleep schedule was fucked due to all the late nights and with Kai being unpredictable, you had to be on alert all the time as he expected everyone to be at his feet when he wanted.
You finally woke up at around 6 pm, you walked into the basement to find kai on his own, you had never had a one to one conversation with him just the two of you in one room. 'Where is everyone?' You asked running your finger over the table he was sat at. He was aggressively scribbling words into his notebook but looked up to smile at you. 'They're at the restaurant, I decided to stay behind and catch up on some things.' 'Oh sorry, I didn't mean to disturb you' you smiled at him about to leave. 'No, it's okay, I didn't want to wake you, you looked so peaceful' he smiled warmly at you. 'Sit down' he said Gesturing at the chair in front of him. You sat down. 'Kai' you said after a moment of silence. 'Yes my darling' you looked at him for another moment. 'Do you actually, you know, care about me, I feel left out, this is the first time I've really properly spoke to you, I feel like If I'm going to be here id like to feel appreciated' you said , your hands were sweating and you were shaking. He was making you nervous and rightfully so. No one ever questioned kai. 'You're nervous' he said, this only made you shake and sweat more. You didn't answer. 'Y/n, half of the things we've achieved are because of your help, you need to realise that all the kills in the last three months have been hugely impacted by your arrival,' he said smiling and shutting his notebook 'come here' he said turning his lap from out of the table. You came and sat on him, you made sure to lift your skirt up before you sat down to tease him. He held his hand on yours and rested then on your lap. 'I don't want you to feel under appreciated' he said moving your hair from your shoulder to leave kisses on your neck. You once again stayed silent. 'Fuck, look at you' he said as you turned your neck to face him. 'How could anyone not acknowledge you' he said tracing his eyes to your lips. He started kissing you as he placed his hand underneath your thigh to pull it up, your leg now bent, your foot resting on his knee. He traced his hands around the outside of your entrance. You moaned throughout kisses. 'You're such a good girl' he said putting his finger slowly inside of you, as you let out a soft moan. 'God, you're just so fucking beautiful' he said now moving his fingers up and down in a 'come here' motion hitting your g spot. It made you moan now grinding your body in a riding motion up and down on him. 'That's it love, mhmm your so good to me' he said kissing your neck and leaving hickeys planted all along your neck. 'Mhhh thank you kai' you said struggling to get the words out. You're struggle made him go faster 'this is my way of showing you how much I want you and appreciate you' he said mid kiss 'I'm going to make you cum y/n, i want to make you cum y/n' he moaned as your ass was now grinding harder on his bulge, it was getting harder and harder with every movement 'yesssssss like that' he whispered in your ear. 'Go faster' you sighed moving your body to force his fingers deeper. He picked up his speed with his hands now practically vibrating. He moved his other hand to around your hip to keep you grounded and still while he did all the moment. 'Stay still for me my baby' he moaned right next to your ear. He kept getting faster and faster until you were dripping wet. 'Thank you kai fuckkk' you'd moan through gritted teeth. Your cum was flowing out of you, you both looked down at his hand still inside you with the palm of his hand now covered in it. 'Now be a good girl and cum for me' he demanded in your ear, this gave you permission to let go and moan as loud as you wanted, you squirmed with his fingers still
Inside you.
He finally pulled his hands out. You both stayed there, you panted, and sweated even more than you were in the first place. You finally got off him.
'Now go back your room, daddy has some work to do' he smiled kissing your forehead

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