》Chapter Five《

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"Morning baby" Brooklyn greeted his wife with a tray full of delicious breakfast. Killandra rose up from her position when she felt Brook wasn't next to her. But when he entered the room with the tray she sighed in relief. 'At least he stayed this time'. He walked over to her as she sat all the way up putting her back against the head board. He rested the tray in her lap, pulling out the legs so it can stand up and avoid the orange juice spilling. "Good morning hunny" she smiled at him. She was glad that he didn't leave in the middle of the night. She thought he'd try and take her car again. He always did shit like that. But today she guessed would be different. After last nights....events, he now was making her breakfast? Its A shame she has to question why her own husband has made her breakfast. Mabe he put something in my food. Oh hell nawl!!. She wasn't going out that easy. "Hun I don't think I'm that hungry, im just ganna-." "What do you mean?" He pauses to take a look at her. He was channel surfing for something interesting they could watch. "I made you breakfast so eat" he gave her a hard stare then turn his attention back to the t.v.

She had to try something different. But the breakfast did look good though. She heard her stomach growl and her mouth was watering. Mabe one bite wouldn't hurt. "Well I don't want to eat by myself can we share?" He didn't turn to face her until he reached a satisfying channel. Channel 11. Eww news. Even though she was an assistant, she always hated watching the news. But it helped. Brooklyn looked at Killandra in her eyes. His lips looked inviting and he wet them a bit with his tounge. "Feed me then" she had a wide grin on her face as if he'd done something that cute and smooth. She picked up her fork and put a bit of everything on it and feed the fork full to him. She watched his mouth chew the delicious breakfast and swallow. His adams apple moved noticeably.

A vibrating feeling interrupted them and he got up to see who was calling him. Even though he had a very accurate guess of who. "Hello" he said. He seen the caller ID. Assistant. He faced the mirror but could see the scowl on Killandra's face in the reflection. "Yea... um can I ask for a favor?" She asked souding a bit scared. This concerned him a bit. "What is it" he watched as Killandra started forcing the breakfast down and the orange juice. "I need a place to stay" this completely took him off guard. Why the hell is she telling him this for? "Ok, why are you telling me this?" Killandra got off the bed and rushed into the closet he followed her into the closet seeing her picking out her outfit for work. 'Im sure I told her she not going to work today.' He stood at the door way watching her. She took out a black lace v-neck and some black khaki pants and a pair of vanilla colored red bottoms. He doesn't know why she just didn't wear the black ones. Thoses are his favorite on her. She had some nice dainty feet. "I'm telling you because I need a place to stay and you can provide that for me" Tamia sneered. She didn't know why he was acting slow.

After killandra got her clothes together she grabbed her phone and headed to the bathroom for a quick shower. She unlocked her phone and texted her boss. 'Im running a little late sr, I will be In by 9:30am. So sorry.' She hit send and started the shower. She was going to close the door but Brooklyn stood in the door way. She pulled the door to close. "Move" she said. He looked at her with furrowed eyebrows. "No" he mouthed. "That's not my responsibility." He spoked into the phone. killandra poked his bear chest hard four times. He pushed her hand away and glared at her. "Move" she insisted. He just stood there. "Fine. Watch" she turn away from him. He eyed her ass. He watched her get fully naked infront of him making him hard. Her body was perfect in everyway. The lighting from the sun bounced off the walls which made the bathroom and her glow. "It is when I'm pregnant, with your child" Tamia was growing impatient with his dumb ways. Brooklyn on the other hand was totally annoyed.

It's always some hoe trying to claim she is pregnant by him.Tamia and him always used protection, so there was just no way that stupid kid could be his. "Well I congrat you on that but I have nothing to do with that, therefore this conversation is dead, bye" he eneded the call just like that and he knew she would be pissed but who gives a shit. He was more interested with the brown cinnamon goddess infront of him. With all that white soap dripping down from her head to toe it made her look hot. He imagined it as he cum all over body and she was just rubbing it in every crevice on her body. He grew more harder. The water stopped and out stepped a clean fresh killandra. She put her towel on and ran out the bathroom. 'I mean, since hes up he could make his lazy ass useful and get Milan up and ready for school'. It was only friday. She sat at her vanity and began her makeup routine. "Your not going to work today" here we go again. Didn't we have this discussion already. Why did he have to bring it up again? Killandra sighed and continue on with her makeup. He walked closer to her, standing over her. "Im pretty sure I spoke english just now" he said. His voice was getting more into that fatherly tone. "I never said I would stay, you know I don't call out work randomly. There is no reason why I shouldn't go to work today" she stated. "There doesn't need to be a reason, I want you to stay killandra" she was done with her makeup and dropped her towel in her chair. She began moisturizing her skin. He walked over the bed and Let out a sigh putting his head in his hands. He looked back up to killandra. She wasn't even paying him the least bit of her mind. "Im really trying here, like you don't know how bad I wanna smack that makeup off your face right now." she looked at him. That was rude. She doesn't even wear a bunch of makeup, just some mascara and false lashes and pink mac lipgloss. That's not alot. "Why do you always want to hit me? What have I ever done to you?." Her voice was like a small innocent child. "You just do things I don't like, and you need to be deciplined for doing them, like going against me telling you not to attend work." "Then what am I going to be doing in the house all day if I don't go to work, it's boring in here when I'm by myself." She exclaimed like a teenaged girl. She hated whinning but everytime she did he would just drop the disagreement and walk away. "Milan is going to be late I'll get her ready for school and drop her, your picking her up though" I nodded and he proceeded out the room to Milan's. See what I mean? he just dropped the conversation like there wasn't one. Theres something about her whinning that does something to him. She eventually shruggs it off and contiues on getting ready for work.


Bronx sat at his desk with a pen cap in his mouth. His feet tapping at an rapid speed. Why is she late? Even though she texted him saying she would be late-9:30am to be exact- it still bothered him. He'd hope that her dick of a husband wasn't the cause of her lateness. The loud ringing of the company telephone sounded throughout his large spacious office breaking him from his thoughts. He reached over and picked up the phone. "Hello, mr. Santos office" he answered in his perfessional voice. "Bronx?!" The sound immediately alarmed him. "Yes mama?". " Υπήρξε ένα περιστατικό." She panicked. "Whos hurt?" " Αδελφή σου!" She yelled. "I'll be right there!". He hung up and went to grab his jacket. At this moment nothing matter, he needed to see if she was ok.


"Good morning mrs. Block, how are you this morning?" Sandra at the first floor front desk asked. She was a very pretty woman with the nice brown eyes. Her fair skin completemented the many beauty marks on her skin. She wasn't tall but also not short. Standing at 5'7 in heels and wavy black hair. "Good morning to you too, and I'm doing well this morning" killandra smiled. Before she walked away from the desk she slightly turned around to face Sandra. "Did mr. Santos come in today?" She just had to ask. "Um.. actually no he left not long ago, he said it was a family emergency." Family emergency? "Oh ok,thanks". Sandra nodded in response. Killandra wondered what the emergency was all about. She hoped everything was ok though. She made her way into the private elevator. Bronx and her are the only persons allowed to use it. She pressed the 20th floor button. The elevator doors opened and she walked to her office. Which was next to his. She doesn't know why but she took a peak into Bronx's office. 'Hmmm, nothing thrown. So he wasn't angry.' She continued to her office and plopped down into her rolling chair. She push the lever below the seat to and stood up a bit to push the chair to it's full height. She loved doing that. She sat pretty high above her office desk. She couldn't even use the desk to press on when writting so she put the papers in her lap. She contiued her work for the rest of the morning.


"I'm here for a Jennifer Santos, what room is she in?" Bronx asked in an eagar tone. He reached the hospital where his sister was being treated for severe burn wounds. "Uhh. Ok Ms.Santos...." the guy at the front desk said taking his sweet annoying time. "Could you hurry the fuck up!" He yelled causing a few heads to turn in their direction. The front desk guy looked up at him and continued on but in a quicker paste. Bronx kept a hard glare on him, watching him find the paper with his sister's information. "Uh. Room 222 sr." The guy answered hesitantly. Bronx eyed him a bit more until he walked away from the desk to his sister room. A million thoughts were running through his mind as he exited the hospital elevator and rushed to his sister room. He opened the door to room 222 and entered. "Bronx" he heard his mother called but payed no mind because his eyes landed straight on his sister's third degree burnt body. He could literally feel his heart drop at the sight. "What the fuck happened! Who did this to her!!" His voice booming throughout the room and some of the hallway. "sweetheart I don't know" his mother said half scared to death. "What do you mean, mama someone must know!"

His mother took a calming breath and spoke. She knew speaking calmly would eventually calm him down. "We were shopping and I had to stop by the pharmacy to pick up my medication. She waited in the car and that's when I herd a big boom. I ran outside and seen the car in flames. I ran over to her side but she was already pulled out. To the other side of the street. Someone must have pulled her out. And someone put something in the car for it to explode. Somebody was trying to kill us." She said. Her voice getting more scary calm. He stood there still looking at his sister he wanted to hug her and hold her hand but she looked so damaged that any little touch would break her. "Call my brothers, tell them to drop everything their doing, were having a family meeting." He said with much rage in his voice. He knew whoever did this was certainly going to be in a million pieces when he's finish with them.

Picture of Brooklyn above

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