Chapter Seven: Unmasking the Truth

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On this autumn day, my thoughts turn scarlet and gold, welcoming the fresh cool air and fragrance of the season. October is my favorite month—its weather, the walks, the colors, and of course, Halloween.

It was another day at school, and I was late again. This time, I had missed first period. The lesson I was headed to was math, my favorite subject.

"Hey," Brodie whispered when I sat down.

"Hi," I whispered back.

"I'm throwing a Halloween party. Are you in?" he asked. "And before you ask, yes, there will be booze."

"Then, of course, I'm coming," I told him.

"Did you even have to ask? Wherever there's booze, there's Olivia," Matt said from beside me.

"Funny," I said with a fake laugh.

Once the lesson ended, the three of us left the class and found Hunter along the way. We chatted as we walked down the hall. Ginny and Max were up ahead, and Brodie and Matt shared a look. I furrowed my brows and Hunter looked confused.

"I can barely breathe when you are near!" Brodie and Matt sang loudly and horribly.

"Oh my God," I groaned as Matt used Brodie's leg as a guitar.

"You guys are so embarrassing," Ginny told them as we continued walking. Hunter opted to stay with Ginny as Max left them.

"Did you really have to do that?" I questioned, rubbing my temples.

"Yes," Brodie said, nodding vigorously.

"I just know how much you love that song," Matt smirked.

"I hate you both," I jokingly replied as we stopped by Brodie's locker.

"You sure?" Brodie mouthed to me with an arched brow as he looked from me to Matt. I pulled a face and gave him the finger.

"You guys going to Fall Fest tomorrow?" Matt asked, clearly not noticing what Brodie had just done.

"I don't know, probably not," I said.

"Same," Brodie agreed. "Wanna hang out at my place instead?"

"Sure," Matt answered.

"Yep," I said at the same time.

The next day, Matt and I were at Brodie's, as planned, while everyone else was at Fall Fest. I loved fall, but not that much.

"What are you guys gonna dress up as for the party?" Brodie asked as we relaxed in his basement.

"I don't know, I'll probably think of something last minute," Matt replied, and Brodie playfully rolled his eyes.

"Do I have to dress up?" I groaned.

"Yes. No costume, no entry," Brodie shrugged.

"You're a dick," I scoffed and laughed at the same time. "I don't know what to dress up as."

"Huh, I thought you were already wearing your costume," Matt joked.

"Piss off," I said, throwing a pillow at him. "But seriously, I have no clue what to wear. I literally have nothing."

"That sounds like a you problem," Brodie snickered.

"Either way, you know you'll be the hottest one there, so I don't see what the problem is," Matt shrugged nonchalantly, his eyes on the TV playing a random show.

My eyes slightly widened as Brodie and I shared a look. He raised his right eyebrow, and I could tell what he was thinking.

"Right," I awkwardly chuckled.

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