Chapter 48

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I glanced up at Terri, who was glaring at me, the hatred clearly written in her eyes. I shrugged, turning my attention back to the movie.

"Excuse me; get the hell out of my spot."

"Nope, there's room on the love seat or the floor. But, we're trying to watch this." All heads turned to LeighAnne who was staring at Terri.

"But Nick's my boyfriend, not hers!"

"He may be, but everyone on this couch is comfy. Can't you see that?" It took all my strength not to bust out laughing at the rage on Terri's face. "I believe it's rude to block the view for other people too!" Terri glared at LeighAnne, than me, before marching her ass to the love seat.

"I'm glad you're feeling better, though, Terri," I said, smiling all the more as she rolled her eyes before turning to the TV. I shook my head, hearing the laughter, than the yell, and finally the scream as Tamara ran out of the room, holding her Barbie in one hand. I quickly stood up to go and see what the fuss was all about, when I felt someone shove me a little, pushing me out of the way. I glanced behind me and saw the big grin Terri threw my way. "What is it baby?"

"Thomas and Baylee yanked her head off." She balled even more as she held up her Barbie in one hand, the head in the other hand. I glanced from one little hand to the other, trying not to laugh.

"Baby, they are boys, why were you letting them play with Tiffany?"

"I didn't, they snatched her away." I shook my head as I pushed her head into my shoulder, moving to seat down on the love seat. "I want daddy here too." I was about to stand when he stood up and moved to the spot next to me, causing Terri to growl in frustration.

"Nickolas, get your ass back here now!" He glanced over his shoulder at her, sending a glare her way.

"My daughter is upset and she wants her daddy, that's what she will get." Terri rolled her eyes and than crossed her arms.

"She's always upset if you asked me," Terri mumbled under her breath. I leaned around Nick and looked at her.

"What was that?"

"Not a damn thing." Kris looked at her sharply, her brow rising up as she turned to me, making a fist. I shook my head slightly, seeing Terri look at me before looking down at Tamara, who was watching Terri as well, a smile on those small lips and a gleam in her blue eyes.

I stirred slightly, two hours later, rubbing my eyes, looking to see whose shoulder I was laying on. I gasped, noting the blonde hair right away. I shifted my head to glance down, seeing Tamara on my lap and Thomas on his, a blanket covering all of us. I moved again, hearing a moan than turning my gaze back to Nick's face, smiling as he started to smile, his fingers brushing my shoulder.

"You don't have to leave."

"Yes I do. The kids are asleep, I'm tired, we're in someone else's room, and your girlfriend is missing. All reasons to go to our separate rooms here."

"Well, if you put it like that." He stood up, easing Thomas into his arms without him stirring at all. I shook my head, not quite knowing how he managed to do that. He offered his hand to me, helping me up. I put mine in his, feeling a tingle start from our connecting and frowning to myself. 'NO, NO, NO!' my mind screamed at me.

"Are you sure you got her?" I rubbed her back as she moaned, shooting a glare Nick's way.

"Yes. It's not the first time I've put her to bed, thank you." He chuckled slightly as he held the door open for me. "Thank you." We walked to my room in silence, and actually, I was even more content with that. There was a peace, a calm, one that hadn't been there in a while.

"Can you get your card?" I glanced down at Tamara, groaning some what.

"Can you hold her, or shift her some what?"

"Resa, where is it?"

"It's in the bra of this nightie." His eyes rose up as his free hand reached around Tamara and went in there and grabbed it, his fingers gently brushing my breast. "I'm sorry, I don't recall saying to do that."

"My fingers slipped," he said, shrugging as he handed me the card. I shook my head as I opened the door, heading straight to the kid's room. I laid Tamara down, kissing her head, than stood back and watched as Nick kissed Thomas, whispering something, than walked over to Tamara, repeating the action. I quickly left the room, my heart breaking. Damn it! Why was he so good, so cute, and so damn endearing when he wanted to be? I was supposed to hate him for the hell he kept putting me through. I wasn't supposed to find him attractive still, or loveable, or cute. And definitely not endearing!

Maybe, maybe I was really too close here. There had to be other people I could protect. Not that the guy's management was gonna let me go yet. And by the time I figured out what the hell was going on, I'd be over this stupid ass shit. I sighed, leaning my head against the wall, not hearing Nick exit the room or step up behind me.

"You okay?" he asked, slipping his hands up to my shoulders and massaging gently.

"Yeah, just thinking is all."

"You know, you need to talk about it..."

"Thank you but I can't share it, as much as I want to. But, for now, it's my burden."


"For real Nick. Now, go along to your girlfriend. I don't need to add her flipping out to my list." He sighed, whispered good night and walked back to his room, slipping his key card in, hearing the ding of it registering yet still unable to open the door.

"Damn it, she bolted it. Of course, Terri didn't doesn't get her way, so she has to throw a fit!" He groaned, making his way back to the room he just left. I opened my door, surprised to hear his knocking.

"What's up?"

"Can I crash here? Terri locked me out." I bit my lip to keep from laughing and allowed him to enter.

"The couch is quite comfortable."

"Thanks again Resa." I nodded my head and headed into my room to grab the extra pillow and the extra blanket, carrying them out to Nick, covering the couch with the blanket and fluffing up the pillow just like he liked it. I froze in mid act, letting the pillow drop and quickly stood up to turn around, running into his solid chest. His hands quickly flew to my arms, holding me steady.

"I'm...sorry Nick. I didn't mean to run into you."

"I didn't mean to stand right behind you." I glanced up and into those blue eyes, yelling at myself for letting my heart start to sink deeper in that pit of love. I tired to breathe, but could hear the unsteadiness of it. His head descended and before I knew it, his oh so damn tempting lips were covering mine and his hands were gently massaging my upper arms before cupping my cheeks and than slipping into my hair.

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