Part 18

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"I can't believe you guys knew each other," I was still shook that Hoseok was well acquainted with Taehyung and what he did that day was just an act.

He's a good actor.

"Sorry, honey. But Tae seemed so sad that day so I decided to call you instead of just letting him crash at my bar," he apologized again for the seventh time, but I just pouted at him while Jimin just laughed at us.

"I'm disappointed," thanking Yoongi who just quietly slid a drink in front of me and settled himself by Hoseok's side, I couldn't imagine how the same Yoongi at work could look so in peace like this with his boyfriend.

He was with the same title as I was in the company, but placed in the different department.

I haven't seen him much but I knew he was not much of a talker.

"Awhh, don't be like that. Yoongi told me how Taehyung likes you so much so I'm just trying to help out a brother here," Hoseok kept his boyfriend close with his hand secured around Yoongi's waist, and I smiled wide looking at Yoongi's first blush I've ever seen in my life.

Yoongi's facial expression had always been stoic in the office.

The only reactions he gave that I have seen were when he sighed tired of the two siblings, and when he grumbled for having to take care of the problems caused by the two siblings as well.

The lovely blush on his face was a first, and I believed that Hoseok was the only one who could pull out that expression from Yoongi.

So cute.


Taehyung's POV

"Yoongi oppa so cute," she slurred as I walked closer to the group, and I sighed at the condition she was in.

"Y/N, are you drunk?" Jimin nudged her and she shook her head even though her eyes were almost closing and I decided to interrupt the two.

"She is. Come Y/N. I'll bring you home," sitting by her side, I tried to secure my arm around her waist to lift her up but she swat my hand away and clung to Jimin instead.

"Oppa, no. I don't want to go home yet, tell Taetae no," she hugged Jimin’s arm, pointing to me with her fingers with cute pout and frown on her face.

"Jimin is not your oppa," I smiled looking at her cute demeanor while Jimin just chuckled at Y/N’s behavior.

"Jimin is older, so Jimin is oppa," she frowned deeper as she blinked a few times to focus her vision on me, and I was sure it won't be long before she blacked out.

"Then I want to be your oppa too,"

"No you can't. You're younger than me, like Kookie,"

"I'm older than Jungkook,"

"," she laid her head on Jimin's shoulder after giving me a few shakes of her head, and fell asleep right away.

"She really be putting you in the same age as Jungkook," Hoseok chuckled as he came out from the back room, and took Y/N’s glass since we all know she wouldn't be taking any more drinks tonight.

"Kookie is a whole daddy to me though," Jimin smirked, and at that exact moment, his phone rang.

Smiling giddy at the caller ID, he answered the call with an exaggerating purr.

"Yes, daddy. Where are you?"

Both Hoseok and I rolled our eyes before ignoring the smaller, and I took Y/N from Jimin and pulled her to rest on me instead.

"Where's Yoongi hyung?" I asked the male who just gave a drink to another customer of his.

"Asleep," he smiled, pointing to the back room wher he just appeared from, and I smirked.

"Did you guys did it?" throwing the question, Hoseok flicked my forehead at that.

"I'm not horny like Jungkook who'd attack Jimin in the middle of work," he gave side eye to Jimin who was still flirting with his boyfriend on the phone, and I chuckled as I rubbed my forehead.

"Who knows?"

"He's been occupied with work as well, but we promised to go on a trip after he finished everything," Hoseok explained, and I smiled guiltily to the man.

"Ah yeah, he did apply for a few days leave next week. Sorry, things are hectic in the company these days," apologizing, Hoseok shook his head with an assuring smile, knowing our situation at work.

"No worries, he complained a lot but he was enjoying his work life with you two. How's Namjoon and Seokjin hyung?" he asked, sliding me a non-alcoholic drink since he knew I was going to drive Y/N back home later on.

"Doing great, Jin hyung takes care of Namjoon hyung really well. He never forgot to have lunch anymore since Seokjin came to him every lunch hour," I told, glad that there's someone who's taking care of my workaholic brother now.

"That's good to hear. What about you?" Hoseok asked, eyeing Y/N who's fast asleep in my hold.

"I'm doing my best to treat her the best she deserves. Hopefully I'll win her heart one day," muttering soft the words, I smiled to Hoseok who just smiled back, patting my shoulder as encouragement.

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