Chapter 1:Welcome to the Other Side of my Dreams

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A dream inside of a dream, was it real or was it fake? I guess we'll never know, we just have to keep dreaming and maybe then we will find the missing piece to the puzzle. They say you have to shuffle through a deck of cards until you find the one, except for me I had to weather through a lot of storms to finally find my one true love Blue Wolf, because, as much as I love roses and being a keeper of our dreams, I often have battled between being a dream girl and a Rosyred. Being human and being a dreamer doesn't mean you do not go through challenges, even one as big as does this story actually fit or am I stuck writing someone else's story and living someone else's dream? My dreams are not just dreams, but, a chance to see the true picture that only happens in my mind and that's one secret I will never tell because, if the secret got out that the story of BlueWolf and Rosyred only happened because of a dream, then the real lovers who are the true identity of the characters that only exist in the story but, are the true selves that they hide underneath their mask, so, I guess you could say we all have those blood relative secrets we take to the grave and hope that none of them will ever surface. Do you think my Bloody Relatives, that if one of them knows the real truth they will accept that this dream is what made them a reality or is it better to keep it hush and let the real story be just a story that is left in a journal where no one can ever find out the secret password? So, my advice is to stop running from your dreams and when you are ready, just take off the mask and be who you truly are?

It would be such a mystery if we could only find the pieces we are missing. The one thing I still don't understand is, even though we are asleep and dreaming why is it still so hard to communicate with each other or to rule out the distant between us. You would think after all this time, we would have worked out all the kinks to our relationship by now, but, I guess we are still learning and that may seem surreal to some people, as for me and you that is just a part of growing up and working through all the imperfections. I once asked myself if being a bubble away from the outside world is easier than to face whats ahead and all the new things we can experience. Maybe we both feel like turning back the clock and seeing for ourselves what it was like to be a teenager or a kid again, but, the catch is if we turn the clock back does that mean we together erase along with the memories? How do we go through all this just to throw it all away with just a strike of the clock? It seems to me, like we can't seem to catch a break and just live our lives the way we are meant to. The passion may be gone, but the love is still there, isn't it? I often thought that if we were to get back to a place where we saw each other again, it would be under different circumstances but, I guess patience is key, and I am still stuck waiting for the time to change and the clock to strike so, that what I dreamed about every night will finally manifest and come to life? I cannot keep living a dream like it's a fairytale, I just want more than anything for the love story or dream to become real and not have to just see you every night in my mind, while that may seem like the only alternative because of certain events that took place in 2020, that I have led us to this moment we are in now, stuck in a love story of dreams. If only you could see what I see, then maybe you could understand all of me?

"Bring back the light, behind the moon and make our dream one with the universe, so that even though we keep dreaming at least we will know what it's like to live underneath the sunshine, instead of lurking in the shadows, waiting for night to fall and all we have to look forward to is the moon at night, I may be a BlueWolf who only sees the night of day, and you may be a Rosyred who only comes out at night away from the spotlight of the sun, ready to bite and feed on the fleshing blood, I guess that's what makes Blood Relatives of the Night. I dream I can't seem to wake up from, is it a blessing or a curse? " – BlueWolf a poem: Blood Relatives of the Night-

Can you keep a secret? I am not one to just unmask if anything I prefer to live behind the façade I create. Being a Bloody Rose is not easy when it comes to love, when I fall in love I fall hard, it's nothing like a heart that beats for only you but, a dreamer of dreams that doesn't stop until the last shred of blood sheds and the story to her dreams is finally finished, if I had known I would feel this way, I would have avoided love at all costs and never have even opened my heart to let someone else in. Can we really keep magic in our hearts, locked away from love forever? The secret to that is, no. If we don't open the magic from our hearts and let ourselves love, we will never know what it's like to be in love let alone feel it.- Rosyred a poem: Can you keep a secret?-

Your dreams are My Dreams, Your Love is my love, My thoughts are your thoughts, I guess you could say that's how our love story got started, all you have to do is Dream. As for the night of the dream, it all started on this very day of April 28th, 2021 and that's when it hit me and I saw your face again, while I was cruising down the road with my best friends headed off to a play that only seemed to take place in my dreams, I waved at you and the smile on your face said it all, then you waved back at me and we continued to go our separate ways. You continued to walk down the street of my church, where you would think we are having some sort of festa going on because, of all the loud music and everyone bumping or swaying their bodies the beat of the music where they just get lost in the party and start to feel their feels. I still catch myself looking over at you as you are lost in thought almost as if you are in your very own bubble, and I spot you carrying a basketball, so, my thoughts quickly turn to you and how you must have came from basketball with the boys. I wish I could've stayed longer, but, my friends and me where off to star in the play, hopefully you'll catch the show, I know I wouldn't want to miss it; that was the night of my dream. Our dreams are only half the story, sometimes we fall apart and wonder how we are going to bounce back from the downfall. Being with him is like living in a dream, everything is so unpredictable you never know what is going to happen? I guess that is how life seems to be from time to time, it can often get unpredictable where we don't know what's about to come next? all we can do is wait for the experience.

I look back and wonder where the time has gone and if we can ever get those moments back or if they will just stay as memories? I know a day hasn't gone by that I don't think about what might have been, instead I try to focus on the present and live in the now and not the past, that's probably why I started to dream was because, I was trying to fill the missing void and to do that I had to learn how to let go and start my dream over as if the past never even happened. -Rosyred a poem: I look back and move forward-

I wonder what lies on the other side of my dreams, that keep me up at night?

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