Beauty Enhancers

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Pairing(s): Narcissa Black x Fem!Reader; mentions of Narcissa Black x Fem!Reader & Son!Draco

Summary: Narcissa's inner struggles come to a head just before a trip to the beach with her family. Luckily for her, however, her partner is there to console her and remind her of her beauty.

Warning(s): Brief Arguing, Body Image Issues, Mentions of Pregnancy & Scarring.

(A/N): Hello, everyone. As of late, there has been an inrush of Narcissa Black-Malfoy fanfics; and as consequence, I felt encouraged to add one of my own to the influx. The subject of this piece was inspired by some Tumblr writers' works (those are linked in my Tumblr post) ​. So, thank you to those accounts for the inspiration—and I definitely recommend you peruse through their blogs! I hope y'all enjoy this little angsty fic, with a smattering of fluff towards the end! : ) 

She observed how the mauve streaks contrasted against the pale skin of her lower abdomen. Then, with a sigh, she moved from her position in front of the cheval mirror to walk over to her vanity, where her varied creams were stored. The one she was specifically sought after, in its pearl cylindrical encasing, she opened with ease to then be immediately met with its spicy fragrance.

The advice of the wiccan pharmacist rang through her mind as she eased a finger into the creamy substance of the jar, Just a dollop will do, my dear.

Will it, though? She bitterly questioned the conjured image of the pharmacist, who she knew didn't deserve this treatment. All the poor woman had done was attempt to do her job.

But Narcissa's frustration was in dire need of a release, and its pulsating was as relentless and unwelcome as the occupation of the scars on her abdomen.

Will a mere dollop rid me of these damn scars—

"Cissa, are you ready? Dray is itching to get into those waves—are you alright, my love?"

The entrance of her partner put an end to her interior monologue. With haste, Narcissa wiped the tears that had fallen from her eyes and lowered her tank-top after applying the ointment to the scarred area. Taking a moment to compose herself, she swiveled and greeted her partner with a smile.

"Yes, I was just finishing up. Let us not make our boy wait any longer."

Pressing a chaste kiss to (Y/N)'s temple, Narcissa essayed to exit the master bedroom and the demons that haunted its mirror, but the gentle grasp of her partner stilled her movements.



The younger woman didn't respond instantaneously; rather, she used the silence to give her girlfriend a pointed glance.

"You've forgotten something," (Y/N) spoke, after a moment.

"Oh? And what might that be?"

Before she responded to her partner's question, (Y/N) padded over to the door to the bedroom, quietly shutting it closed. Whereupon its closure, she leaned her back against its wood surface, then spoke,

"Your bathing suit, Cissa. It's right there on our bed, see?"

Eyes hesitantly following the invisible path of her partner's gesture over to the abandoned swimwear, Narcissa felt a flush of embarrassment burning her cheeks.

"I seem to have mistakenly believed it was packed—"

"Again, Narcissa. You forgot to pack it again. Draco always asks why you never swim with us, and you invariably respond with that reasoning. That you've 'forgotten' your bathing suit. If this forgetfulness was truly a mistake, it wouldn't be as consistent as it is. So, please Cissa, just tell me what's going on—"

"Nothing. Nothing is 'going on' with me, (Y/N)," Narcissa practically hissed, "let's end this dallying and leave. You know as well as I do how impatient Draco gets."

"Well, Draco needs to learn to be patient," (Y/N) countered, still blocking the door, "I'd like to get to the bottom of this matter."

Attempting to huff as indignantly as she could, Narcissa did so just before the all-too familiar burning sensation pricked her lower eyelids.

What's the use in fighting, Cissa, just be honest with her, She tearfully reasoned, padding over to sit at the foot of the bed.

Watching from afar, (Y/N)'s heart ached at the sight of her girlfriend resting her head on her chest, her eyes pressed firmly shut. Just as opened her mouth to resume speaking, Narcissa softly uttered,

"You're right, (Y/N)."

"Right about what, sweetheart," (Y/N), containing her surprise with the admission, walked quietly over to her partner to kneel beneath her, "what am I correct in?"

"I don't mistakenly leave my swimwear here. It was always intentionally left here."

Exhaling a tense breath, (Y/N) nodded, before carefully speaking up, "That's fine, my love—"

"No, it isn't."

"Then, can you please tell me why it isn't?"

"I can show you why."

Without a moment's hesitation, Narcissa shakily lifted her tank-top to reveal the streaks that adorned the flesh of her abdomen.

"This," Narcissa cried, quickly diverting her eyes from the marks, "this is why I leave my swimwear here. This is why choose to I cover-up. Why I spend all those hours in front of the mirror, and in those skincare boutiques who only sell me false-hope in a jar. It's—I'm hideous, (Y/N). I don't even know how you can stand the sight of me..."

"Oh, Cissa," (Y/N) cried, moving to gather her lover in her arms, "you must know I don't find any part of you hideous. No such part exists."

"Don't be foolish—"

"I'm not, Cissa. I am sincere in my words."

Pausing to gently ease Narcissa to rest her form on the bed, (Y/N) continued,

"These marks you speak of, aren't a symbol of your weaknesses nor deem you unattractive; they are a symbol of your strength as a mother, as a woman. And they are the permanent reminders of you having created life—beautiful life, I should add. You mustn't believe they detract from your beauty, Narcissa; if anything, they enhance it."

To prove the veracity of her words, (Y/N) lovingly caressed the marks, followed by her pressing kisses to Narcissa's tear-stained cheeks. Centering her own lips over her lover's, (Y/N) captured Narcissa in a passionate kiss—leaving the couple forgetful of the little boy that was impatiently pacing on the level below them.

Separating from the kiss, the women smiled at one another, before the older of the two spoke,

"Thank you, love."

"Of course, Cissa. You know I love you very much?"

Brightly chortling, Narcissa nodded, "Yes, I do. And do you know how much I love you?"

" much?"

"Tenfold; but, darling?"

"Yes, Cissa?"

"I cannot promise you that I won't splash you in the ocean."

"Oh..." (Y/N) grinned, "well, if that's the case, you know all will be forgiven."

"And that's why I love you," Narcissa returned the grin, with an added kiss.

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