Part 3

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The next couple of days you began your new resolution by approaching Jungkook first. Your conversations weren't as complex nor were they as comfortable as with Taehyung. A light tension always seemed to linger as if you both had your own elephants roaming around the room. You ignored it as much as you could. You were grateful for when Taehyung was around to break the tension. This would lead to the three of you to develop a more easy-going conversation. You were just happy that you were able to learn things about Jungkook directly and not through a second source.

All this progress seemed to have gone down the drain one night when you were practicing a new defensive pose. Jungkook came up to you to slightly adjust your arms into the proper distance from your face and body. He smiles afterwards, urging you to feel the difference. You proudly do your complete pose and suppress a giggle when his smile widens. He's so mesmerizing. Mino was out of the gymnasium, quickly running off saying he need to go to his office. So, you took this opportunity to have Jungkook all to yourself. You were less reserved around him now and were ready to break some more of the barriers between you two. It starts with you two laughing over Taehyung's obvious lie of pretending to be busy. He's looking over some papers on the clipboard at the front of the matts. You wanted to see Jungkook laugh again as he jokingly comments on the students in front of Taehyung who are trying to get his attention.

"It's all these fired up Sophomores" you began, hushing your voice as if telling him a secret.

"they're so competitive and eager to please as if they are being paid to be here. All these little kids will soon face the real world and realize that no one cares".

Jungkook nervously places his hand behind his neck, "Some of them have potential...", he hesitantly mutters.

You snort, "potential or not. All little kids, sorry, sophomores are the same. They are all so overly passionate. I feel bad for them once they realize that there will always be someone better, prettier, and bigger than them out there. Haven't we learned that by now?".

You turn to Jungkook upon seeing his straight face. You must admit it wasn't one of your best attempts of comadeire, but the way he was acting seemed like you offended his mother. You were about to apologize and voice your concern when Jungkook nervously laughs.

"Yeah, well..." He chuckles again defeatedly. "...there's always someone better...".


"I see you have all been working diligently as I was gone! Thank you! As a reward I think we should run a few laps around the gym".

Jungkook skedaddles away at the voice of Mino. You're left confused, pondering over your conversation. Can he not stand unfunny people? Were you really that bad? Did he find you to be some bitter old bully?

Once the class is over you jog up to Taehyung and Jungkook before they could get onto the elevators.

You wanted to make sure you were good with Jungkook. You knew you would be up all weekend trying to figure out what went wrong. You know it was something you said. Did he not like your joke? were you being a bit too mean? You didn't mean it too much. It was just something Taehyung always joked about, so you thought it would be okay to do so as well. Making your way up to them you say the first thing that comes to your mind

"Hey, are you guys going to the Senior Party?" This senior party was for seniors only (unless you were a plus one) hosted by all the frats of school. They all come together to make a huge block party that is honestly favored upon by many and has everyone going.

"hmm not sure" Taehyung says, "Maybe, I'm kind of over frat parties".

"Yeah..., but this IS the last Ho-rah". Taehyung shrugs at your response.

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