Chapter 3

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While they were getting on. Madeline quietly said " You didn't tell me that you are a princess!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Ashlynn says, "Sorry, I ment to tell you but, the seaweed began growing out of control. I can also do this." Then, she swims to the top of the glitter sea and gets out, thats when she turns into a real princess. Madeline says, " How did you just do that?" Then Ashlynn says," Just try ." So Madeline does it too and she turns into a princess too, so they start walking to the castle. They walked about 1 mile to the castle. "Was it really a mile from the lake." Said Madeline. "Yeah it really was a mile from the lake to the castle." Replied Ashlynn. So they went it to the castle and found the king and queen. "Ashlynn!!!!!" Cried the queen. "Hi !", said Ashlynn, " This is my new friend Madeline." " Hello Madeline ", said the  king and queen, " Nice to see you again." "Again?", asked Madeline. "Yes, you are you are our daughter, you were transported to another world when you were little by a witch, we defeated her but we couldn't get you back home were you belong." "This is a dream!" Said Madeline. "This is real life." Said the queen. So then the evil witch came right back from the dead. "I thought you said you defeated the witch!" Said Ashlynn and Madeline. "We did...." said the king and queen. "You can never kill me unless Madeline is dead." The witch cried out. Then she left "that explains a lot"said the king. Then poof Madeline was gone with a scream. Madeline was transported by the witch to a castle far far away from were she was before she disappeared. "Why did you take me? Cried Madeline. "I took you because you belong to me. Not  those two and Ashlynn. Now what to do with you?" Replied the witch. "Nothing! You do nothing with me that's what you do with me!!!!"yelled Madeline. "I know exactly what to do with you. I'll do......"

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