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I woke up, bundled in the cold parachute I fell from the sky in. What the heck just happened?! I shivered from the still cold. I curled into a smaller ball and looked into the dark night sky.

Who was that strange pilot? How did she know where I was going?

I took a deep breath to warm myself and calm me down, but sadly it didnt work for either reasons.

My eyes started to grow heavier and heavier, and it became harder and harder to stay alert and awake, until I fell asleep. I had dreams. Not normal dreams, this one seemed more...real. Like I knew I'd wake up and remember them, not only like a hundredth of it.

Anyway, I saw two guys standing in front of what seemed to me like a cave, but more different. It was huge, and inside wasn't too dark, it looked more green and purple. Also, it wasn't deep at all. I could see the curve of purple stone at the end. One of the guys, who wore a cute, but a little ripped, buisness suit, looked over at the other guy standing in front of the cave, revealing his green hair extention.

He laid his hand over the other guy, who seemed to wear glasses and a black suit, but, erm, more different. He also had a flower in his hand.

Then, faintly but absolutly clearly, sorry to confuse you, I heard the guy with the green extention say "Man, I'm sorry. I'm sorry I wasn't there to help. I'm sorry I couldnt save her." Then the guy with the red glasses jerked the other's arm off his shoulder. "Sure you are! Yea, you HAD to leave for that stupid unseen jewel thing! You HAD to-" then hair extention guy interrupted. "Jordan please-" and the one called Jordan interrupted back "No Tom! No sorry can make this up!" then he stormed away, leaving Tom alone, shocked.

Then, I woke up to something I though I'd never feel...warmth. There was a fire burning right in front of my body.

Startled, I wriggled out of my parachute blanket and ran a little. As I looked back, I noticed that it was just a campfire set up perfectly and harmless. I'm a derp :P .

Letting my heart slow down, i sat back down and warmed myself up. I looked up in the sky and it was orange. The sun was rising up. Then, I heard a familiar voice "Finally awake." Then I looked up, and saw the guy from my dream, that Jordan guy.

Then, a non-familiar voice chimed in. "Who's this?" a girl asked, who had brown hair and wore an orange foxy hoodie. Then Jordan looked over at her, and back at me. "Yea... who are you?" then I answered "Kate," then I took another breath. "My name is Kate." Then, another voice popped up, and Tom came out of the woods in front of us. "Sup, and welcome to the world of-" "Mianite." Jordan interrupted again. "This is the realm of mianite." Then Tom groaned. "Awwww! I always get to say that!" Jordan's eyes darkened. "Doesn't matter." Tom sighed and said "I bet you can stay with Sonja for now" and pointed to her and trotted off. Jordan shrugged and walked another direction in the woods.

Sonja held out a hand to help me out, and slowly, I took it. She smiled at me, which seemed pretty comforting from the time I've had here so far. "Follow me, my house is here" and I started following. I feel bad now that I never really listened to her conversations about this snowman that was named Borris, and always died and became Borris II and then Borris III and so on. "And now I'm at Borris the fifth," then she looked over at me, with calming and comforting eyes. "Have you ever had a pet?" Then I came back in attention to what she was saying. "Ummm, no not really." then she shrugged and kept walking.

Finally, after a ton of silent walking, we reached a peacful cliif. A cozy pink house planted on top of it.

"This is yours?" I asked Sonja. She nodded. "Pick an empty room, and I'll provide the beds and stuff." I smiled at her and headed toward the pink house.

I looked over to the side and noticed a small door, which lead to a medium room compared to the others. A set of doors laid at the other side of the room, and there was a peaceful balcony with a set of seats and a cute little table. I looked over at Sonja and said, "I'll have this one." and she smiled at me as she dragged in the bed.


I looked out to the sunset on my balcony, wondering how things would turn out.

Would I ever see home again? Weirdly, something inside me didn't. I also actually couldn't blame myself. I was adopted when I was 2, and I was like the misfit of my family. I always did the opposite of what they did. They all stay inside playing on computer on a camp trip, and I was out following the river, putting in sticks and pretending they were boats floating away. It was quite the while ago, I was about 8 years old.

Also, I remember my last birthday, my 18th. All of my friends got to have a cool dance club party, or a cool celeb concert with their other friends. I remember getting left out in all that, with the girls I thought were my friends rubbing the parties in my face like I never had feelings or a life.

I remember my birthday being nothing like that. Just an overcooked cake at a dirty wooden table and my so called mom saying in the dullest voice possible "Happy birthday." and only once look up from her phone.

Thats when I used all the allowence money and birthday money from my, like, seriously rich aunt to get me a plane, somewhere I could actually get away. Explore things. It took about a month to get the flight ready. Thats when it all changed. That was when I crashed here, and really, I could say that it was the best thing that ever happened to me.


"You okay?" I heard Sonja's voice call from the door. I sighed. "Yea, just deep in thought." then she sat down. "beautiful night, isn't it?" I smiled. "Sure is." and looked down to the wooden table.

"May I ask you a question?" I asked her. She nodded. "You can ask me anything." then I looked her in the eyes. "Why is Jordan so upset all the time?"

Sonja sighed. "Well, he used to be the most cheerful of us," she said "he and Tom made a cool alliance, they pulled pranks and fought bosses together. It was fighting the King Demon when it happened. Ianite, his goddess, was unsure of their plan of fighting him, so she decicded to help. She knew the power of this boss was way beyond their knowledge. And boy, she was right! The demon almost killed Tom! anyway, as the 3 were fighting, something caught Tom's eye. What the King Demon was guarding the whole time, The jewel of the unseen. Tom ran to get it, and with one member not fighting, they were toast. The king brought out his pointy dagger, and threw it right at Jordan. Lady Ianite jumped in front of it, and Tom stopped. The room fell silent, and then Jordan threw the dagger in anger back at the king demon, and it perished. Now, he blames Tom for what happened, and we all know his eyes will never light up like they used to anymore."

Then it hit me.

I remembered the pilots words: 'Tell him that I'm not dead yet.'

I bolted upstaight. "What did Lady Ianite look like?" then Sonja smiled lightly and said "Well, she had beautiful wavy purple hair, one of here eyes were green and the other was purple, and you could really hear the wisdom in her voice. Her smile would assure you that everything would be ok, I wish."

Then it all came together.

It was her.

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