One shot

711 13 1

(Cars human AU. Lightning is around 22 and Doc is probably about 50.)

Doc was carefully watching from across the bar, deep blue eye's settled on the little blond in red, who was about four drinks too deep. he was giggling and dancing with some unsavory folks, was being an idiot, but some part of his brain seemed to remember he was happily taken as when one of the people he was dancing with reached out, he'd smack their hands and shoot them a dirty look. it was honestly amusing to Doc as he sipped his rum and coke. there would be no races tomorrow, only hangovers for the little team but that was fine. Doc leaned over to the bar tender, catching his attention.

"need another rum?" he ask, ready to pour. Doc shook his head.

"whatever little red is drinking over there, send him one from me." Doc smirked. the bar tender looked over at Lightning, then back to Doc. "I'm his crew chief. I'll make sure he gets home okay, he's not driving anywhere." Doc assured. the bar tender nodded and set to work. Doc watched a waitress grab the drink and take it over to the younger. Lightning looked confused and hesitant to take the drink, drunk or not Lightning usually didn't take drinks from anyone but his friends. he watched the waitress point over towards him and he smiled slightly when the blond met his eye. Doc raised his rum and coke into the air in a mock cheers. immediately Lightning broke out in to a grin and took the drink, thanking the waitress, and downing it while staring Doc down. Doc shook his head and looked surprised when the waitress walked over. "yeah?" Doc ask.

"he thinks you're cute." the waitress giggled.

"he lives with me, he has to say that." Doc snickered. the waitress laughed and walked off. Doc smiled and turned back to keep an eye on Lightning, Sally walked over to him. the whole team knew about them, they'd never bothered to keep it a secret from anyone but the racing world.

"he's having a blast." Sally chuckled. Doc nodded slightly.

"yep, I'm going to be carrying him out over my shoulder again." Doc muttered, sounding slightly annoyed.

"if it bothers you so much, why do you help him get like that?" Sally ask curiously.

"because it makes him happy." Doc said looking over at her. oh he would do anything for the younger man and it hadn't taken long to figure that out after he agreed to be his crew chief. Sally laughed, looking back over towards Lightning, only to see him headed this way, with blood dripping from his nose. both Doc and Sally immediately sat their drinks down and stood when he walked over. "kid? what happened?" Doc ask, gently taking hold of his face to look his nose over. it wasn't broken, just bruised. Lightning pushed his hands away and hid behind him, which wasn't hard. Doc was 6'2 and Lightning was 5'5. Doc looked confused, sitting back down, looking at Sally, he was still tall enough on the bar stool to hide Lightning behind him. she paled and pointed towards man coming over to them.

"where did he go?" the man snapped glaring at the two. Doc was taller than the man, who stood probably about 5'7 just tall enough to be taller than Lightning but shorter than Doc.

"what happened?" Doc ask, taking a sip of his drink.

"is that really any of your business old man?" he snapped. Doc sat his drink down and stood from his stool, towering over the other.

"yeah it is." Doc growled. Sally rubbed the back of her neck, looking at Lightning, who was trying to stop his bloody nose.

"yeah see that guy you just punched is his boyfriend so it kinda is." Sally said awkwardly.

"fuck off! when I see him again I'm going to break-" the man started. Doc straightened immediately and punched the man in the throat, watching him drop to his knees and start coughing. Doc crouched down.

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