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Heaven's Pov

"And only if I know myself...what you really are doing to me.... Heaven... "

I heard those words of his where as his eyes were fixed on mine completely freezing me at my place . And again that strange yet familiar emotion in his eyes which always made my heart to skipped a beat.. And what his words meant...?

Every single time I came in contact with his presence I end up having with a new question but he never answered any of them instead make me more confused.. Was he really playing with me or he himself didn't know what he was doing..?

He wanted to ruin me or wanted me to save him from getting ruined.? What you really wanted Kim Taesin...?probably he himself didn't even know it yet..

I just stared back at his eyes which were not blank or empty instead filled with a certain kind of feeling which was dark and gloomy just like his presence but there was a slight softness and warmth too present in them which he didn't let anybody to saw it but was not trying to hide it from me or may be failed to hide it from me...

I was again completely lost in those oceanic eyes forgetting about each and everything like they held the power of possessing me and every action of my body. And now I believed there was nothing and no one was bigger than your fate because I was standing in front of my fate, in his embrace where I forever desired to be but look I get what I wanted but I never thought I would get it at the cost of my everything that it would cost my soul to be at stake for forever to be with him..

I was just totally froze at my place while staring at his eyes like a statue without blinking for once until I felt his warm breathing tickled my face because he whispered with his deep and raspy voice against my face.

"Careful Heaven.... Don't stare too much at the darkness or else you might end up falling in love for the darkness... "

I knew what he meant by those words of his and how deeply and thoroughly they pierced inside my heart and only if he knew.

"Siempre estoy enamorado de esta oscuridad... " (I am forever in love with this darkness...) . I said those words which I meant with my everything and again only if he was able to understand them..

I knew he could not understand it but the  way his eyes wore more deeper into mine like he wanted to know or understand it and only if he could have tried to but he didn't ... He Never..tried to understand them..

A tear escaped from my eyes hearing his silence which hurted me even more than his cruel words. And before I could break completely in front of him I needed to be out of his presence.

So I wiped my tear and again tried to push him away but his grip was still firm on me and now I could not bear it anymore so I clutched his arms and slowly tried to shove him away.

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