I thought so-

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Bow, marsh, and apple both woke up in a large bed.

Bow: hey why am i in this bed...with you guys?

marsh: idk...i think the machine worked!

Apple: alri- hey why is there something on my finger!

the three girls look at there fingers to see rings on them

marsh: its a wedding ring?...

Bow: so wait who are we like married too?

marsh looks on the wall of the room to see all of them together...at a wedding

marsh: i think...all three of  us are married together-

Bow and apple: what??!!

apple: i didnt know i was poly...whatever that means

they all hear footsteps outside their room, just to see a ghost shaped like apple and a tiny marshmallow with a pink and red birthmark on their head

???: hey mama, sugar doesn't know where she left her phone and she's freakin out

sugar: I HAVE IMPORTANT THINGS TO DO....wait what does important mean again?

marsh: well no dought these are our children

???: well duh...yall alright?

marsh tells them what happened

Oscar: well in that case, I'm Oscar boo, this is sugar boo. Im 14 and she is 13-

Bow:  shes a bit of an airhead to be 13

marshmallow nudges her

marsh: Bow! that's your kid your talking about

Apple: anyways, are we good moms?

Sugar: ur the bestest moms! you are very nice to us

apple gets up from the bed and pics up a old picture of the kids

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