He Never Knew

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"No! Don't die baby please don't die"

those words chased her the whole seconds she was left with as the air around her chocked it's way toward an abyss filled with deep hard agony.

"Why am I still Here?" She once asked him with despair flying in her eyes as tears streamed down her cheeks where his hands were perfectly holding her angelically face.

"You are the reason I'm alive." He said in a sweet voice that edged panic.

"You are too." She managed to say hard but honestly. He is the reason she's still here. He is the reason she's enduring this hell. He is the reason that's keeping her clutching the edge of universe. He is the reason of her existence.

Back when she was a small toddler, she never enjoyed what people call a life, a happy life. Ever day was another dark melancholic day, every day was another torment, a torment she never asked for, a torment she never knew its reason.

Their was once a rich foolish girl that knew nothing but joy and innocence, until she met that alluring guy and fell madly in love with him. She loved him so much she didn't care that he's a drug dealer, she accepted the dirty life he offered her with a pleased smile, caring about nothing but to be near him. She Spent her fortune paying bails from jails and courts he often went in until the day where she offered him marriage as a compromise. He agreed quickly so that his bank won't get away. The two married and had a beautiful baby girl that the women saw her love for the drug dealer in. When the little girl was three, her dad died in a battle with the police and her mother was left alone broken and devastated that she drifted in a wrong direction. She used to come daily drunk home to where her little baby lay, the moment she used to look at the little girl all the anguish swerved through her body and flames of rage rushes in her vain and she used to beat the little girl till the girl go unconscious.

At night, the little girl used to crawl down a corner in the basement uttering prayers if anyone can hear, pleading and begging for the punishment to cease, punishment she doesn't know why she's punished for. And then steps began to be heard, rough and baleful its sound rose and and rose as the little girl's heart throbbed maliciously trying to escape the fate that was dreadfully drawn upon a fragile girl begging for mercy, begging for humanity. An ebony dark shadow appeared as the girl trembled quaking struggling not to breath, fearing it'll bother the horrific shadow.

"You think i won't see you if you crawl like a slut there in the corner eh?" The shadow spitted poisonous venom as the girl let a low moan of terror escape from her shattering teeth.

"Answer me you piece of garbage!" The shadow roared loudly and hit the girl with a bottle of beer she held in her arm. "Answer me! Answer me!" She barked obnoxiously, "where is your father?" She bawled fiercely hitting the girl with what appeared to become a broken bottle. The madwomen hit the feeble girl with a strength and power the ground trembled with agony as the girl tried to shriek and beg for leniency, but all was idle. "Please mummy please let go," the girl cried trying hard to numb the throe, to numb the anguished beat of her soul, the shrieking sound of her blood;" mummy i love you please let go." She tried and tried and pleaded and begged, but no one was around to hear her cries, no one was around to listen to her moans, no one was around to smell her pure blood, no one was around to see her soft bruised skin, being stabbed and gashed and wounded.

The beating ceased after what seemed like an eternity, the mad lady left with what the girl denied to hear a guilty sob. The girl fell on the ground anguished, agonized, and tormented. Trying to move a finger, in hope she's dead, in hope she'd close her eyes and never see this hell again. Oh how she loved to be somewhere else, somewhere faraway from here, somewhere, anywhere but here. She fantasized of a world with no abuse, a world with idyllic silence, a world with no alcohol, a world with no sorrow. Suddenly, a light stroked from a corner, the light fell on her emerald green eyes like sharp edged knives. Thinking her mother came back to torture her, a moan rose from her-covered with blood-mouth as she heard a voice that doesn't belong to her mother, a deep masculine voice, a soft soothing voice, she groaned with pleasure, thinking it's God, thinking she's dead.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 05, 2013 ⏰

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