Online Friends ( Story ) ( Part 2 )

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Sooo ... 2 or 1 year ago I tried to make online friends because the reality is toooooo way cruel for me. Where did I go to find online Friends you maybe ask ? Clash of Clans , Instagram and Youtube.  I hated the reality for many things like rascism or etc. Friends who I cared much are often online friends.My first online friend comes from Clash of Clans.Many are from there, hehehe ... but the contact to them was very complicated , first  I didn't had my handy because I haven't it lol , second I am very cringe and weird , I had anxiety of criticism . What if they now who I am really ? What if they gonna hate me ? What if they hate my way of thinking ? My thoughts there literally chaos. So I just kept everything to myself until I met "them" . They were really nice to me and encouraged me to many things. They were funny too! The most of them there 1 or 2 years older than me. ( My English is not so good , so don't mind it okay? Thanks!) Some mouths later I was in their group chat it was really funny and a little hell, hehehe.We had many memories but...

 ...Now I don't have their contact anymore. Why? Because I wasn't very oft online and I had a life too , ya know? I only kept one . 

I just wanna say you can be friends with anyone as long as you want it, really want it!. 

Be just you , if they hate you , they are not really good friends. If they accept you for who you are , they are good friends. Sometimes its better to hear your heart and sometimes your brain if you have one of course , hehehe :) 

Thats the message I wanna give you for this little chapter.

Lovely wishes,

Riyume  :)

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