1st week of awesomeness

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        So im in my 3rd period and I'm reading a fan fiction novel.(which by the way is awesome). I look up to see a really cute boy. His hair is dirty blonde and he has the most dreamy, indescribable eyes. He turns to look at me and all I can do is be stupid. I can't believe the way I act around him. Like its not even real. By the way I'm Bella Lee. I'm 13 years old and I go to west coast middle school.

        Anyways, I walk up to him and ask him his name.

        He looks at me and smiles, "I'm Tanner. What's your name?" "My name is Bella." I really think it's kinda awkward but he doesn't seem to notice which makes him even cuter!!!!! I am hoping and praying that I won't make a complete fool of myself. I tell him that I like his name and walk away before I make things go bad...

        Right before the bell rings to go to second period. The principal comes over the announcements and says we will be having an assembly and we are to go with our home room. Turns out that me and him have the same home room which is bad..... kinda. I say it's bad because there are a lot of pretty girls in my class. If they see him, they are going to want him too.

        He comes up to me and asks, " do you know where Mrs.Kelly's homeroom is?" I smile, trying not to embarrass myself and say, " Yea. Lucky for you that's where I am going too!"

        We both start laughing and he has just the cutest laugh ever!!!!!

        He looks at me and smiles, " I guess I am the lucky one!"

        We walk into homeroom and take our seats. Mrs.Kelly come in and greets Tanner.

         Mrs.Kelly asks him, " please take a seat." He looks around and looks at me. Mrs.Kelly goes to the door and says to him, " You can sit anywhere you would like. " He just looks at her and sits right next to me!!! This is probably the best day of my life.

        "Hey Tanner!"

        " Hey Bella! I'm glad you are in this class. You seem like the only none preppy type girl. You know what I mean??"

         "Yea kinda. And thanks I guess. I kinda thought you would be more into those types of girls over me."

         " Nooo!!! Trust me. I am not that type of person."

    Omg thank God! I am so relieved to find that out because that is the only type of girl in this class besides me. He turns around and I silently break into my happy dance. He goes to turn back around and I stop dead in my tracks like I never done a thing. Like a statue!

          We both start laughing and the announcements come on and say, " All 7th graders come to the gym! All 7th graders are to come to the gym at this time.Thank you and that is all!"

           Me and Tanner get up and push our seats in. We walk to the door and get in line. I really want to ask him to this dance coming up in a few weeks but I am afraid he will say no. He seems like a really good person! That's it.... I am gonna do it!!

           I tap Tanner and whisper, " I am going to grab a pencil and piece of paper. Don't leave. Lol"

        " Don't worry I won't. Lol.hahahahaha!!!!!!"

I run and grab a pencil and paper. I get back to the line and Mrs.Kelly takes us downstairs to the gym. I am so nervous but I am really glad he decides to sit next to me. My best friend and my crush. Btw my friends name is Mattie. Anyway we take a seat in the bleachers and I take my pencil and write on the paper, I know we haven't known each other long at all but I was wondering if you would like to go to the dance with me?, I noticed he was wearing a jacket and his pocket was really easy to get to. I fold the piece of paper up and wait 'til he isn't looking and I stick it in his pocket. He turns around and I act like I am talking to Mattie. I glance to see what he's doing. Omg!!! He sticks his hand in his pocket and feels the note, he grabs it and pulls it out of his pocket.

          I turn really fast to Mattie and whisper, " He has the note!! What do I do?!?!?!?!?"

          "Just calm down and act normal!!" She says to me while I am trying so hard to not panic.

          "Ok I got this!Lol ." I say laughing somewhat.

I look to see what he is doing and is reading the note he starts to smile and looks at me. I am freaking out so much right now! I look at him and smile.

          " I know you gave this to me Bella!"

          " What!!!! Pshhhhh!!! No. Maybe. Ok yea I did because I really like you." I say so embarrassed.

          " I am guessing you were afraid I was gonna say no. Right? Well I'm not. Your cute, pretty, and really nice. I like you too, btw."

         I look at him and ask, " So do I have a date or not?? Lol."

          He laughs and says, " Well yea. I guess you are hard headed aren't you?! Just messing with you. I like that."

          " Good! This will be really fun..." I smile and to be honest right now, I am the happiest girl ever.

         " Yea it will!" He laughs and turns to talk to the boy next to him.

          I turn and tell Mattie what happened. She screams, " WHAT!!" We both start laughing and people just look at us.I really feel that I done something wrong because this girl, Jane, is staring at me and I can't help but laugh.

       I will try to update it as much as possible sorry if I don't. Love y'all thanks for reading... I really tried.


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 02, 2016 ⏰

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