||out of the easy||

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season 3 episode 7

Klaus and Aurora have been having their time as Klaus is kinda happy that Brian died.Elijah goes the Mikaelson home.

"Niklaus! Niklaus!"

"You shout loud enough to wake the dead."

"You can't pick up your phone? Your sister is missing."Elijah said to her as aurora comes in.

"Well, she's not exactly missing. As everyone behaves themselves you can trust me to tell you where she is. Hello, Elijah."Aurora said and smiles.

"Give me my sister. Or perhaps I could pay a visit to your brother, Tristen."Elijah said looking up at her.

"Elijah,please. Aurora and I have come to an agreement."Klaus said making a agreement.


"I'll like to have a word with my brother."


Ophelia was wearing a black dress as she sees the twins giggling.

"Your aunt freya is gonna have to take care of you two."she said she picks the two babies up.

She gets inside of the house she sees Tristen and Lucien.

"Hello, again Ophelia. You look stunning."Lucien said giving a kiss on her hand. Klaus and Aurora come in.

"Nik really got a girl with the same height as me and red hair.You must be Ophelia Atonal my name is Aurora De Martel."She said the both stake hands. Unfortunately she's the one who killed my husband Ophelia thinks.

"I'm sorry I'm late just freshening up. I did want to look pretty."She said Klaus smiles at her.

"Well, well. If it isn't my old friend, Lucien."

"Hello, Aurora. It's been ages. You look."Lucien said getting interrupt by Klaus. Tristen and Ophelia look at each other weirdly.

"You look ravishingly."Klaus said giving a kiss on her hand.

"Oh. If you've had met the mother of two of my children, Ophelia."Klaus said kissing her hand also.

"I've met her also she's lovely."Aurora said rudely.

"Welcome to our home I do wish it was under circumstances. We all face a conman threat. A project warning that my siblings and I would fall within a year. I fear my sister already had. Hello, Ophelia."Elijah said coming in.

"Only as a precautionary measure, I assure you."Tristen replies.

"Interesting. You see, I would've called it an excitedly unnecessary. We need to unite to prevent this prophecy from coming to the past. Let's not ruin the dinner before it begins."He said.

"And do try to bear in mind, we expect an honest and productive negotiation this evening."Klaus said the brothers smile.

"Shall we begin?"Elijah they all sit down.

"It's a bit odd, isn't it? Celebrating an American holiday?"Lucien asks Ophelia was eating her thanksgiving food.

"Well, you know, Lucien, I rather enjoy thanksgiving. The turkey, the cranberry sauce the lies, the deceit, the betrayal. Perhaps we should begin this evenings proceedings with a little confession. And do help yourselves. Enjoy."Elijah said as they all drank their champagne.

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