Heated night

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Dick was lying in the king sized bed. Black collar around his neck and dark lingerie on, more showing than hiding. He looked good and he was well aware of it, impatiently waiting for his poor boyfriend to come home.

"Hey, Dickie? You in there?" said Jason, as he finally pushed the doors to their bedroom open. Dick just smiled at him in answer, as the younger stood there, freezed in the spot, speechless.

"Well," Jason began, eyes darkening, as he took in the sight sprawled upon the bed. "I certainly wasn't expecting to come home to this."

"Do you like what you see?" the acrobat asked as he let a leg fall open, thighs parting to bare the most intimate part of himself. Panties stretching at the movement, barely covering anything. Steel dildo already spreading his entrance open, preparing him for the near future events.

The tease however shifted the dildo's angle, now pressing against the olders men prostate. It was so unexpected, that a slight moan escaped the acrobats lips and his cock jerked at the sensation. Pre-cum already collecting at the tip, ruining the fabric of his black panties, spine bowed in an attempt to push the toy a little bit deeper, causing yet another unashamed moans to fill the room.

Dick didn't even have the chance to slump back onto the sheets, before he was dragged to the mattress edge. Hands traveling his body, as Jason pressed their lips together in a hungry, heated kiss. Tongues fighting for dominance.

Jason's hands stroked down Dick's sides, his fingers brushing against the fabric, covering Dicks nipples. The action caused the older man to shudder. He then started pitching them still acros the dark lingerie, enjoying his lover's gasps. Giving no mercy, he started biting them, teasing each nipple one at a time with his skillful tongue. Jason always loved Dick chest.

Not asking for permission, Jason hooks the acrobats knees over his shoulders, taking the panties away in proces. Jason's head ducked down to lick away pre-cum that had already collected on the men's cock.

"Fuck, yes," the acrobat moaned breathlesly, as he shifted a leg to press a heel between the youngers shoulderblades to demand more and Jason slowly eased his lips down the solid weight of his lovers erection. Its length settled along the flat of the youngers tongue, head just barely breaching the back of his throat, waiting patiently for his lover's breathing to settle as he grew used to the slick heat of Jason's mouth.

The taller man was an asshole, though, and Jason suddenly slid down lower until his nose nestled in the dark curls at the base of his lover's erection. He swallowed around Dick's cock, pressing the toy inside and making Dick cry out in surprised pleasure as he suddenly climaxed.

Dick's thighs clenched around Jasons head, ankles locking along the nape of the youngers neck to keep his lover's head down and mouth still around his cock, his own back bowed. Eventually, though, the older man relaxed his legs to fall over the youngers shoulders and slumped back onto the sheets. Panting and catching his breath as Jason eased his mouth off of his now limp cock, the head giving a lewd pop as it slid past his lips.

Jason grinned up at the acrobat. "That feel good?"he asked, already knowing the answer. "Do you want more?"

"Jay-" Dick whimpers as his lover kissed the top of his limp cock. "You like that, huh?" Jason asked, placing another kiss at his boyfriend's thighs, before he commanded: "Now, turn over."

The acrobat shivered in excitement and did as he was told, his fingers clutching at the smooth sheets beneath him. His breath stuttered out, slipping into a low moan, as Jason's hands spread his cheeks wide open, baring his entrance to the tallers sight.

Jason, being the tease he is, then shifted his hold just enough to run his thumbs along with the base of the toy. Then suddenly, he pressed against the base of the dildo to watch as it spread his lovers opening wider and wider.

Heated Night - JaydickWhere stories live. Discover now