It's something that beats people up, tears people down, and eats people alive.
It's a backpack of 4000 pounds and your feet are in cement blocks you carry while hollow on the inside. You wonder everyday if this day will be your last because everyday is what you dread. Every night now you dream death will come knocking at your door and welcome you home, keeping you in it's cold lonesome embrace.
Normal people tell me to find help because of these dreams... When really normal people scare me, but they are my only hope. Doctors load me up with these drugs and tell me everything is going to be alright and that there is light to every tunnel. Well I don't even see a light, all I hear are teenagers and young adults crying in this darkness. Mutilating their bodies because they don't like the image in the mirror so they cover it in cosmetics hoping that no one will come to notice their scars.Their arms and thighs look like cutting boards. They wear long shirts but don't wear shorts in the summer because they are ashamed of their scars. Teenagers are staying inside taking pill after pill hoping to take any of the pain away. Their parents only scold them for hurting themselves, not by their side trying to condolence them.
Blinded by their work and social media websites parents no longer have time for their children. When we realize it, it's already too late. When we are sitting on the bathroom floor passed out again, because we sliced another main vein.
Wow, I can see it now. There is a light at the end of every tunnel, and it's so beautiful.
Depression Description
Short Storyinterpret how you want, just don't actually make the story your story...whether it's wattpad or real life. There is a light at the end of every tunnel, you just have to keep going.