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The next day, Louis returned to the field to meet Harry at the same exact time and location he said he would. When he hopped off Midnight, he saw that Harry was already there.

"Hi," Louis approached him with a smile. Harry visibly brightened at the sight of Louis. He quickly stood up and pulled him into a short hug.

"Hi yourself," he replied and pulled back, much to Louis' displeasure.

Louis felt his breath hitch in his throat because Christ, Harry looked even prettier than Louis remembered from just yesterday.

Today, Harry was in a simple dress robe. It was a dark, like a red wine. The longer he stared at the beautiful boy, the more Louis lost his breath.

"How are you?" Louis asked him, opting to take Harry's hand in his own. They sat down on the grass across from each other, their knees touching with ease. Louis shivered at the delightful contact.

"Good," Harry chirped. "'M quite surprised my father believed my lie yesterday." Louis raised his eyebrows at the statement. "I told him that I went out hunting with a friend. And he thinks that it's important for me to learn I suppose," he giggled.

"My father beat me for my actions," Louis confessed shyly, a little worried Harry might get scared at his words. "He didn't want an explanation, not that I would have told him I saw you," he rushed out, nearly panicking. "It's just...hard, I guess."

Harry nodded understandingly. "I know," he said with a small sigh. "It's terrible how much our kingdoms hate each other. But we won't be like them," Harry piped up with positivity. His green eyes pierced Louis' with a promise. "Let's be different."

Louis couldn't help but smile at Harry's perkiness and pleasant optimism. "Let's be different," he agreed.

And it was different.

Once again, they spent their entire day wrapped up in a sweet conversation and the occasional soft caresses or kisses. Harry apparently had a thing for tickle fights, which occurred fairly often if Louis wouldn't stop talking and Harry got bored of listening. But every time Harry pounced on him, Louis always got the upper hand and they ended up rolling on the ground in each other's arms, filling the empty field with their hysterical laughter.

Harry made Louis feel like he was walking on air. He was beautiful in every way and it constantly amazed Louis. His eyes could melt Louis' heart at a single glance, his soft hands made Louis' heart race with a simple touch, and the words from his cherry red lips were so captivating that Louis held on to everything he said.

There was a constant buzz in Louis' veins when Harry gave him that look, the look that spoke more than words ever could. It was a soft fond that Louis fell in love with so easily. Too easily.

Louis was in love with the boy he could never have and show off to the world.

To an extent, it angered him to know their families wouldn't approve of their relationship at all. But it also made him sad. Their people didn't despise each other like the royals did, much to Louis' confusion.

Harry even brought up the topic later on that afternoon. Louis felt oddly comfortable discussing it this time. They freely debated and agreed on the confusion regarding the hatred. It had been in their families for so long, Louis supposed they probably forgot as to why they hated each other.

When they finally decided to part at sundown, their lips met in a sweet kiss. So sweet, it was almost painful to end. Louis had fallen in love with the small sigh and delightful moan Harry emitted whenever their lips locked. Everything about him was incredibly gorgeous.

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