Night 2: not letting the nightmares kill me.

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(You)it's the second night when am I gonna live. I got it!  come at me nightmares! (N.Freddy) let's play. (You) *shines flashlight* never! I tricked you! (N.Freddy) aw come on! *leaves room*. (You) good and now I can sl- *muffed* (the fuck). (N.mangle) I thought we were friends. But now you will die! (You) please I'm sorry. Oh s**t! (N.mangle) *gets on you* *puts boobs in face* (you) -_- ugh. (N.mangle) no more chance. (Dad) here I co- oh jeez he needs help. *entered room* s#:t. *gets you out of her* 

(you) bye Mangle! (Dad) hurry! (You) watch out dad! (Dad) Good luck son because they are all behind you. Run as fast as you can Ian! *gets smashed by a big box* (you) leave me alone. *leaves to room* *locks both doors and closet* (you) now what do I do?ok and I have nothing in my mind. (N.foxy) please let us in! (N.mangle) I'm sorry! (You) no! *plays roblox*. (Nightmare) *hits face* good night Ian. 

1 hour later in the room. (You) *wakes up* *sees nightmare mangle and foxy* how did you come here!? (N.mangle) let's just cut to the chase. We got you. But your face is hurt. (You) uh what? (N.foxy) she's saying your face is hurt and if you want to sleep with her! (N.mangle) that what was I gonna say. (You) ???? (N.mangle) please trust me. (N.foxy) please trust her. (You) fine. But you and foxy sleep with me. (N.mangle) yay! (Phone) ring ring ring.....ring ring ring. (You) who's calling at this time? (Phone) hello. Hello hello? Well you have received a recording message from me because the nightmare girls want to kill you. Good luck bye! (Phone) bleeep. (You) *looks at nightmare mangle and foxy* (N.mangle) *eyes turn pink* I'm going. (N.foxy) to get you. (Both) from your nightmares. (You) ? (N.mangle) let's make you sleep cause you looked tired. (You) I don't. I'm not even tired mangle. (N.foxy) go to sleep!😡. (You) hell no! You made my dad died! (N.mangle) no we didn't. (N.foxy) it was anime nightmare. (You) still don't trust you. (N.mangle) you don't trust us. Your dead. (You) ok ok I trust you😔. (N.mangle) please. sleep with me. (You) ok. (N.foxy) good choice! (You) Zzzzz. (N.mangle) let me sleep with him for the night. (N.foxy) ok bye! (N.mangle) *gets on him and sleeps with him* he's cute. To be continued..

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