Michael sus ⚠⚠⚠⚠⚠⚠😖😞😖😔😞😞😞

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(Yes ik the Chica make bully doesn't have a name but lossen up a bit won't cha- oh yeah and I've decided it modern type thing sori-)
Tw: cringe 😨😰 and cursing ig

Well schools over Michael promised to meet you outside the school you put your stuff in your locker and walk outside you see Michael he waves he seems just as happy as you to be talking again you walk up to him “hey Michael you going to tell me about those siblings of yours now” he looks at the floor “lets not rush tell me about your life it's been awhile [reader]” you smile “yeah feel ya there I've missed you ya doof” He takes your hand and starts to walk to your neighborhood “hey uh we could also take the bus” he shakes his head no “don't ya wanna hang out more or you gonna ditch me again” “Oh come on the ditching made you edgy and cool apparently you wanna tell me about that Chica make girl you hang out with you guys a thing? ” “EW what your talking about Stacy she's lesbian and even if she wasn't I wouldn't she's so below legit anyone else” you feel slightly bad for asking but he seems okay so you shove it off “oh okay the  sorry uh any other partners you look like a play boy now” you giggle Michael playfully shoves you making sure your hands don't disconnect “Naw I been holding out for you obviously” he bites his lip before laughing you know it was a joke but it still made you feel like he's been thinking about you witch gave you butterflies in your stomach for a bit all the sudden he stops and you along with him it was a ice cream stand thing it was sorta hot (or is that just Michael *lipbite*) so ice cream would be nice Michael asks you if you want some you say yes he pays he somehow got you your favorite ice cream flavor  you didn't tell him to did he just remember after all this time the thought makes you smile for a second Michael takes your hand again after paying “you like it?” you nod happily he smiles his smile always makes you happy you guys finally get to the neighborhood Michael asks if you wanna hang out at his house “what about your parents?” “Dad won't be home for a while and Mom died a while back” “oh gee oh gee oh god I'm sorry” (yes the oh gee was a attempt at a stutter sh sh) he says it's fine you both go into his house it doesn't look much different from last time you were here but it feels much different more empty devoid of joy you both walk to his room it smells oddly like flowers “thought it would smell more like axe body spray were you expecting me” “AXE BODY SPRAY WHA-YOU KNOW I DON FUCK WIT THAT” “calm down its a joke pretty boy”  he rolls his eyes and takes your hand leading you to a bed witch you assume is his you both sit down “So where are the sibs” “they are at some camp this was all a clever ploy to have you hang out with me again” that was obviously an excuse but you can always ask him for the truth when you guys get close again “and as a reward for my absolute genius we should have a sleep over” you say you have to ask your mom you guys are only teens and she would be worried sick if she didn't see you after school you get your phone out of your pocket and call your mom she awnsers after a bit you ask if you can stay at Michaels she says yes and is extremely happy your making some new friends you go back to Michaels room to tell him he's extremely happy obviously, you guys just chill and watch movies till about 6 you decide you guys should get some sleep Michael ends up sleeping on the floor even though you insisted he take the bed after a few minutes of talking you guys fall asleep and you dream about idk whatever you dream about peacefully until you hear so crying from below you you look its Michael it seems he's still asleep though nightmare probably you decide you should wake him up you hop off the bed and softly shake him when he wakes up he hugs you tightly you ask him what happened

(And ima end there bc suspense or something and sorry for being slow I'll make this next one faster I swear 😍)

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⏰ Last updated: May 16, 2021 ⏰

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