Chapter 16

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It was Saturday afternoon and Harriet and Neville were headed to Three Broomsticks to grab some lunch.

"Thanks for coming." Neville said.

"You're welcome." she said smiling.

When they got there they sat down they looked at the menu. After they ordered their food they talked about how their years been going.

"I can't believe you're so good at DADA at fourteen." Neville said.

"I don't know why either to be honest." she said.

While they ate they were telling each other about their best class and how they can help each other with homework.

After a while they were back at school. Their friends had been noticing how close they've been this year.

Throughout the time Harriet and Neville would stay together a lot more. On Hogsmead weekends they would go get something to eat and then go find Ron and Hermione after they ate.

They were starting to hold hands when people weren't close. And Neville had been thinking about asking her if she wanted to be his girlfriend.

While they were on their way to find Ron and Hermione Neville stopped.

"Neville? You ok?" Harriet asked worried.

"Yeah, I just have a few things to say." he said.

"Oh, ok what is it?" she asked.

'We can do this. We got in Gryffindor and thanks to Harriet you've been a lot braver than before.' he thought.

"Harriet, I really like you, more than a friend." he started. "And I was just wondering, do you wanna be my girlfriend?"

She stood there quietly for a few seconds. 'He loves me? For me?' she thought.

Then she snapped out of it and smiled. "Yes."

So they took each other's hand and headed to Ron and Hermione.

"Hey guys." Ron said.

Then he looked at them smiling and looked down to see their hands together.

"Are you two a couple now?" he asked.

"Yeah." Neville said smiling.

"That's great guys!" Hermione said.

Harriet and Neville looked at each other and smirked.

"When are you two getting together?" Neville said.

Ron and Hermione turned bright red.

"Haha! Everyone in school and for all I know London knows you love each other. You just won't admit it." Harriet said.

Neville started laughing to. "She's right. You fight nonstop for no reason sometimes, which means you love each other but ether don't know or don't want to admit it."

"Oh shut up." Ron said.

They laughed even harder and were on the ground.

"Oh my ribs!" Neville said.

"Oh god! I can barely breath!" Harriet said.

Ron got mad and took out his wand. "Stupefy!" he said aiming for Harriet.

"Whoa!" Then she rolled over and it missed her.

"What was that for?" she said.

"Stop laughing at us!"

"Jeez Ron, we were just playing with you." Neville said helping Harriet to get up.

Then the four of them started walking around again.

A few hours later they were heading back to school. When they got there people saw Harriet and Neville smiling and holding hands.

"So, Potter is dating the squib Longbottom." Malfoy said.

"He's not a squib!" she yelled.

She's a powerful witch so she can still lose control of her magic sometimes. When she gets to mad some people will give in and leave.

Malfoy slowly backed up. "Alright, alright Potter! I'll leave him alone."

She started to calm down when Neville took her hand and squeezed it. "Good. Now why don't you go with your idiotic friends."

Then Malfoy started to run.

"Thanks." he said.

"I know what it's like to be made fun of and bullied at school."

"What happened?"

They sat down and looked at each other.

"My whole life has been awful. My aunt was jealous of my mum so when they had to take me in she takes it out on me. They told me my parents died in a car crash. I wear Dudley's old clothes and are barely fed. I do all the cooking, cleaning, when I did accidental magic I was punished. Aunt Petunia could tell when I did my first accidental magic I was a witch." She sat there fighting tears the best she could after getting her memories.

Neville held her close and rubbed her back. "Why do you live with them?"

"Dumbledore said that the only way to protect me is the bloodline and Hogwarts. Sirius never got a trial so he never got the chance to get custody of me. He was the first person to get to my old house that night. He put me in his arms and was about to bring me to his place when Hagrid appeared and told him Dumbledore wanted to put me in my aunt. He fought the best he could but didn't win."

Neville was shocked at what he heard. "He never got a trial?"

"No, my parents changed secret keeper on Halloween. Sirius said it was too obvious because everyone knows that they're friends. So they made Peter their secret keeper. But really he was working for Voldemort." Harriet was fighting the best she could to fight off her tears.

Neville could tell she was doing it so he held her close. "You can cry you know."

She shook her head. "I'm not allowed to cry at my aunt and uncle's. That's why I keep it all in me."

He looked at her and then gave her a kiss on the lips. She returned the favor. Then they stopped.

"You need to leave your family, they're abusing you! That's why you never eat and are so thin here. They treat you like a house elf!"

That did it. She leaned on him and started crying. While she did that Neville rubbed her back and tried to calm her down.

Suddenly Professor McGonagall appeared.

"Potter, Longbottom, what are you doing here?" Then she saw Harriet crying. "What happened?"

Neville opened his mouth but was cut off.

"Please don't tell them about the Dursley's. I don't have anywhere else to go."

He sighed and nodded. "Nothing Professor."

She didn't buy it for a second. "What's wrong?" she said again.

"Nothing Professor. We were just talking about something and I got really upset." Harriet said.

"Alright, if you need anything come and get me." They nodded and she left.

"You ok now?"

She nodded. "Sorry, I need to stop keeping all this in me."


So they headed to the common room and talked to their friends.

Harriet Potter and the Goblet of FireWhere stories live. Discover now