lolsrry i know i decided add this at the wropart of the storie but i was stuck on any other ideas ok
Haley Black-- Born on december 4th 1997, lived with parents in odenville AL. Loves to sigand wants tobe asinger when se gts older, one dy he parentsent out for dinner andthey got hit bsoe drunk drivers, died insantly. er only relatives is her uncle Jake ad his wife an her family.
status: angle/vampie finds out both secerets at somepoint in the storie
relation ship: single until she meets Jutin, soul mates when they 1st meet.
random facts: lovbaby lue andpurple, onl dks sunnyd, peps,milk,r water. Is a country girl and will always e one, speaks her mind
Justin Bieber----- born on april 4th 1997 born in stratford Canada, withs with family in la pus washington. Older brother is the Justin Bieber, he just inhearated the name and the looks,wants to be a singer like his brother. Is jst layin lw in aush , nothing tradic happens.
status Werewolf at 13, meets a vampire/ angle
relation ship: single until he meets Haley, love at first sigt finds out she's his imprint.
random facts_____________ Loves bright colors, onlydrinks redbull or monsters, a player
Jacob Black- skipping this part since u know him from twilight k) Adopts his nieace Haley when her parents die, lives in La Push Washington
status---- werewolf
relation ship___ married to renesme/ nessie
random facts: likes scaring nieace, and loves napping nacked.
Soo if you read this I would like to say this, I want to more characters to addto this and I want ya'll topick someand I'll post the ones i lie the best soo yall can vote andpick the 2 i use.
commentorsend me a message saying ho old they are, what they are, and some random facts about them