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I walk into the airport with my suitcases at hand. Last night doesn't seem real, almost like a fever dream. I walk into security with my ticket heading back to my home in Georgia. I am let in and walk to where I will be boarding. My head seems dizzy as I find the signs for the bathrooms, and I uneasily walk towards the area. Once I'm in, I set my things down and look at myself in the mirror.

I'm Amelia Francis-Ashford. I tell myself. I look like a mess. I need to shape up and get back together with life. Last night.. doesn't exist. Nothing happened. Besides, why would I want to remember last night? It has nothing to do with home or family. This was just one random mistake I made in the sleepy town of Carmel, California.

I grab my brush, toothbrush, toothpaste, and deodorant out from my toiletry bag. It's one thing to look awful, but to smell awful? No thank you. My hair is a mess. Once I woke up in my dingy hotel room, I quickly packed my bags and left. I didn't want to be in that room one second longer than I needed. I brush through my hair until it's as soft as it can be. I rinse water over my toothbrush and apply the paste. Some other woman walks through the doors, startling me. I forgot this was a public restroom. I quickly finish up cleaning my teeth and rinse my mouth. This made me realize how hungry I am. I pack up my things and head back outside to my boarding gate, finding that all the seats are now full. No way am I sitting on the floor.

I end up finding one seat left, just a little far from my boarding gate. I take out my phone and look at all my missed notifications. One of them from my husband, Kyle, and a couple from my son and daughter, Avery and Caden. My tenseness loosens as I read the messages from my daughter.

Hey mom, just checking up on you. I miss you so much, can't wait for you to come back! Xoxo. Reads the message from Avery. I quickly respond with an, I love you, and a, I'll be home soon. Take care.

Words can't express the love and gratitude I have for my children. They truly are my ride or die, and I would give them the world if I could.

My husband, on the other hand. We've now been married for 20 years. Of course, there would be some fights and arguments along the way. Every typical marriage has them, only a few every once in a while. But Kyle and I? Have them almost weekly. When we first met, it was like we were already in our honeymoon phase. We loved each other so dearly, I still don't know quite completely where it all went wrong. I believe, though, that something triggered the gun on our vacation in Paris. Maybe it was when he went down to the bars in the hotel at night, or maybe it was when he saw other women on the streets when we were walking. Maybe he's tired of the same body, maybe he's tired of only having me. Is it that I'm not enough for him anymore? I do so much for him. I seriously can't understand what I did wrong.

I turn my mind to something else. I reach into my carry-on bag and look for a book. I finally feel it, and grasp my hands around the hard bind. I'm reading right now about this royal family dealing with extreme conditions because of a family members' death. It's hard to believe that such a royal family with such power could even get close to living in crazy conditions. Then I remember, it's just a book. I read a few pages, up until the next chapter. I check my phone to see the time and it's just a few minutes 'till boarding time.

Soon enough, I hear the flight crew who will be checking our tickets call out every different class. I don't have to wait long, seeing that I ordered first-class tickets. I grab my suitcases and hand them over, and they approve my ticket. I send a warm smile their way as I walk into the airplane. A stewardess motions me to the first-class area and looks at me approvingly. It's nice to have that satisfaction of approval. 

I sit down with a sigh. I'm exhausted. And I am not ready to have to sit here for four hours. Luckily, no one is sitting next to me so I have all this room to myself. Plus, there is barely anybody up here so it's even better.

It takes a while for everyone to board and get all their things settled, but once everyone is buckled up and ready, the crew plays a safety video on the little T.V screens in front of us. I ignore the video, since nothing ever really happens. Finally, the video is over and the plane is about to take off. I get sick from reading in moving things, so I take a couple of pills for my head and get ready to sleep the whole way. I can feel the pressure of the plane taking off, and we are finally in the air.


After many hours, we are landing the plane in Georgia. I slept the whole way, so I wasn't able to take any pictures or see anything. I mean, we are in the clouds but still, the view from up above would've been nice to show my children. 

It takes a while for us to fully land, and thankfully since I'm first-class, my cabin gets to get off first. I am so tired of sitting in that spot for so long. I grab my carry-on that was next to me and head towards the exit. 

As I walk off the terminal, I find my daughter, Avery, waiting for me. I definitely was not expecting her, but I couldn't help but smile and walk a little faster her way. She spots me and sends a welcoming smile on her face. 

"I missed you!" She says, as she wraps her arms around my body. The warmth of her hug from the cold flight makes me feel at peace.

"Oh honey, how I missed you even more." I respond, kissing her forehead and giving her an extra hug. 

"How was the flight?" She asks.

"Oh, you know. The usual, super cold and painfully long." I say, as I let out a gentle laugh.
"Now, let's get out of here. How'd you get here?" I ask.

"I drove here! I borrowed dad's car since he's at home watching T.V. I asked him if he wanted to come but he said 'No, thanks.'"

"Oh, that's fine. Was there much traffic?" I say. I wonder why he didn't want to come.

"Nope! Super quick and easy. Did I surprise you?!" She asks, with a spark of excitement in her voice. Oh, how I have missed my sweet daughter.

We walk to the bag-pickup area and spot my suitcases quick. I grab hold of them and walk towards the exit with Avery. We walk to the car and set my things down in the back seat. I hop into the shot-gun seat as Avery sits down in the drivers seat. She starts up the engine and puts on her favorite radio. We chat a bit during the car ride, but not for long since the airport is only some minutes away from home.

By now, it's already 6 PM. Kyle's probably watching basketball or some other sports channel. Eating nuts or popcorn. The same as every day. 

Kyle works as an assistant director at the most important office building here in Savannah. That's the reason we met, actually. He's a few years older than me, so I was in his office asking for some papers for one of my past jobs. At the time, he wasn't in such a big role as he is now. He's grown a lot, and I'm very proud of him. Anyways, when we first met, when he first looked at me straight in the eyes, I felt so in love. It sounds crazy, but something about him that one day really made me feel something about him. It took a process of months, but he finally asked me out. Ever since, we've been a couple. 

He took us on lavish vacations every time he got promoted. He gave Avery and Caden whatever they wanted on their birthdays once they were born. He always gave so much thought into their lives, he really cared so much. But it's all gone. All that affection, that loving, caring Kyle Ashford I met when I was 19 and he was 22. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 12, 2021 ⏰

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