☆Chapter 1: Kousuke's Confession☆

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Cover by LilianaSkye!

Kido POV

Shuuya and Seto's houses stood next to mine, together in a row, a quarter acre of crops in between us, and has been for 15 years. Our parents have been best friends since middle school, so the three of us were bound to stick together for the rest of our lives. We were like family. We were expected to take care of each other and love each other, just like our parents did when they were young, and have been since then. What I didn't expect, though, was that those two friends of mine would confess to me in the summer of 2015.

"Why bring me here without Shuuya?" I asked Seto, who had brought me to the forest, the one us three usually hang out at to talk and what not. I stared at the sky, it's bright orange clouds hanging over the horizon, the sun barely visible among the forest trees. "Where is he, anyway?"

"He's helping his dad with the plants," Seto replied, his back turned to me.

"Oh," was all I could say, the setting beginning to get kinda.. awkward.

"Yeah." Was his only reply.

With nothing else to do, I simply sat down on the grass. Shortly after Seto followed my lead, but sat like 2 feet away from me, which wasn't normal, considering that he was the touchy type, and he would usually sit right next to me and mess up my hair or something.

"You still didn't answer my question," I realized. "Why did you bring me here?"

"I like you." Seto said soon after. It took a moment for me to answer, my eyes glued to the sky.

"Of course you do. I like you, too. We're family. So-"

"That's not the 'like' I'm talking about, and you know it." He said, interrupting me. I stopped looking at the sky.

"I know, I know. But how am I supposed to reply to that? What do you want me to say?" I replied, glimpsing at his face.

"I want you to be honest, idiot," Seto said playfully, looking at me with a slight smirk on his face, his green orbs staring back at my black ones intently. I laughed under my breath.

"You want an honest answer? Well alright; I am confused. I don't know how to reply to that. It's just-"

"You like Kano?" He interrupted, his voice almost as monotone as freakin' Google Translator.

I felt my cheeks grow warm at the thought. "N-no! That Shuuya is totally not someone I-"

"You know, you're a terrible liar," he said, laughing at me. It seemed like a pretty fake laugh, though.

"Shut up! I don't like him!" I yelled, getting ready to punch him. "Well okay, I like him, but like family, just like it's supposed to be!" As I tried punching him on the stomach, he caught my arm. I felt like I stopped breathing for a second there as he just stared at me, his grip tightening.

"You know, this kind of life doesn't last long. I know you don't want much to change, but it's kinda too late for that. I like you, Tsubomi, so just reject me already if you can't return my feelings."

I stopped trying to release his grasp from my arm and looked Seto dead in the eyes. "What are you trying to gain from this?"

"You." He simply said. I stared at him in disbelief.

What am I supposed to say? Since his feelings are already out in the open, should I just go out with him and see what happens? I'm pretty sure I can't see him as family anymore. Not after all this stuff he's been saying since we got here. What would Shuuya say, though?

"We can try it," I quickly said after that thought. I mentally scolded myself. Why did I just say that on a whim?

"What- Seriously?" He asked. Now it was his turn to be surprised. I sighed.

"I mean, it's already out in the open, so why not try it? I really love you, too, so I doubt that if this goes wrong, we won't be able to go back to being 'family', because I'm sure that we will, right?" I said, mostly convincing myself than him.

"Yeah." He said in a rather calm voice. I smiled while trying to be optimistic about this.

"Ah.. So ready to be a couple?"

"Not even prepared for this. I was pretty sure you would've rejected me from the start," he laughed. I laughed along, too, because that was the only thing I could think of doing. Seto abruptly stopped laughing soon after, though.

"I really feel like hugging you to death right now." Seto said out of no where. I felt my face become insanely hot. Soon after, I saw him blush as well.

"Did I say that out loud?" He questioned.

"You're such an awkward weirdo, Seto." I teased. He didn't tease back. Instead, he hugged me.

"I am not an awkward weirdo," he stated under his breath. "I'm an awesome... potato." He added.

"Pfft.. Really? Potato?"

"Yes. Now don't question it." Was what he said before kissing my forehead.

After that, not much happened. He walked me home while holding my hand the whole time, and I quickly went to take a hot bath, ignoring my mother's "welcome home". I sat in the bath for a while, thinking about what I've done. I regret it, but at the same time I don't. This stuff is so confusing to me. I'll try my best to return his feelings, though, because I'm afraid to find out what happens if I don't.

I don't even wanna think about it.


You likey? I will update it when I see the chapter gets some attention. Hope that doesn't take too long, though... Anyway, hope you enjoyed~

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