01 ~ Harry Potter

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I know every writer says it, but this is my first ever imagine and I am quite proud of it. So if you guys have and comments or ideas let me know. Enjoy!


You sat in the great hall at Y/H table eating breakfast with your best friend, Hermione.

"Look who's looking at you." She says pointing at Harry.

You look at him giving a sweet smile and waving. He just gives an embarrassed smile before burying his head in his hands.

"So do you know who your going to the Yule ball with yet?" Hermione asks, changing the subject.

"No." You reply glancing at harry quickly before looking back at her.

"But I have my eyes set on someone."

She smirks at you, and you give her a look back.

"How about you?" You ask her, trying to change the subject again.

"I also have someone I want to go with."

She is almost cut of by someone squealing. We both turn our heads toward the noise to see Lavender Brown trying to sit on Ron's lap.

"That twat!"

"HERMIONE!" I said giving her a look of astonishment.

"What?" She asked, acting oblivious.

I just rolled my eyes and went back to my homework.


I was walking back to Y/H common room when I felt a slight tap on my shoulder.


Just by the sound of his sweet voice I could tell who it was.

"Hi Harry!" I replied, possibly a little to excited.

"Hi, um, I-I was w-wondering," He was talking depressingly slow, "i-if-"

I cut him of,

"Harry, spit it out." I said sweetly as a small smile slipped onto my face.

It took a second, but he finally spoke again. You could here him get more confident as he spoke,

"I was wondering if you would like to go to the Yule Ball with me?"

My heart burst like a meteor hitting earth, and my eyes lit up with joy, and I could tell he noticed.

"I would love to!" I quickly replied.

"Brilliant!" He remarked before turning on his toes and strutting away proudly.

My small smile grew larger as I did the same entering my common room.

I went to bed with a large grin on my face.


Two day had past, and we had one day left until the big event. Hermione had been asked to the ball by Viktor Krum who was not her first pick, but she was happy to be here with someone other than her 'boring best friend'.

I was sitting at the Gryffindor table in the Great Hall studying with Hermione. When two familiar faces came and sat next to us.

The cuter, dark-haired boy sat down next to me giving me a kind smile. I returned the gesture and got back to my papers.

Harry, Ron, and I started up a small conversation. There was something about Ron's house, my past, Harry's feet, and also Quidditch. Soon enough it was time for us to get to bed.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27, 2021 ⏰

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