dance with me - beabadoobee

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If you wanna dance then

sim jaeyun. the amount of love that you had just for the boy was truly unexplainable. whenever he walked into the room your heart would skip a few beats. whenever you two made eye contact for just a split second it would feel like it lasted for hours. kind of like,, in slow motion. isn't that what happens to people in movies? you've never really liked someone this much. whenever you had crushes they wouldn't last that long, but him. sim jaeyun. he's different from everybody else. the way he would offer to help you with your classwork because he could tell you were extremely stressed out, but too shy to ask. the way he would ask you everyday if you've eaten anything. the way he'd always ask about your day every time you sat down next to him in the morning. you wanted to build up the courage to ask him to prom, but you were afraid of getting rejected. you didn't know how you'd be able to face him if he were to actually decline your offer. so you waited. why did you even wait? it's too late now because he's dancing with someone else.

Dance with me

agreeing to go to the dance with your group of friends was a big mistake. you sat down at the tables and watched as your crush danced with a girl who wasn't you. that was on you though. if you weren't such a coward and just asked him maybe that girl could've been you.

It's pretty fast but

you open your phone and scroll through all the apps because you didn't want any one of your friends to force you to dance. as you looked through the weather app, yes... The Weather App . you feel a presence standing in front of you. you look up and make eye contact with the prettiest most mesmerizing eyes you'll never get tired of seeing. his. sim jaeyun's. he smiles as he holds out his hand to you, asking you to dance. curiosity takes over you so you immediately ask him how his date would feel about this. he giggles and tells you that the girl he was with was nothing more than a friend to him. when he said that, your heart began to beat faster.

This is what you do at parties, right

he leads you to the dance floor while a slow song played and you swear that if he puts his hands on your waist you're literally gonna pass o- Oh my god. he put his hands on your waist. you look at him for a couple of seconds and you snapped back to reality and placed your hands on his shoulders.

And I know it's hard to tell

"why were you alone?" he asks, without taking his eyes off of you. "i didn't really want to go." you say as you look down at your feet. "you know... i was waiting for you to ask me." he says as he laughs. you look up at him with wide eyes and wait for him to continue what he was saying. "i wanted to ask you to go with me, but i was a bit scared that you'd say no even though it was kind of obvious that you liked me." you widened your eyes once again and scoffed at him. "what makes you think i like you?" he laughs at your remark and you laugh along with him.

But I think I really like you

"i like you too." he says, smiling again. his smile is the most beautiful thing you've ever seen. it was as if his smile could cure anything. his smile is what brought you so much happiness. you loved it so much. "sim jaeyun you better not be lying to me."

Just take it slow

"i'm not." he then leans forward and softly places his lips on yours. you felt your world stop and you started to get dizzy. you couldn't believe his lips were actually on yours. this all felt like a dream. sim jaeyun is kissing you right now and his lips taste like... strawberries???

And move your feet to the beat

after what felt like forever, you both end the kiss and lock eyes once more. "you suck at dancing." he says, not breaking eye contact with you. you playfully hit his arm and continue to slow dance with him.

'Cause if we dance then

"i know i suck, but at least i'm with you." you say while moving closer towards him. he blushes and calls you cheesy. you don't know where this confidence came from, but the feeling of happiness was taking over you, you felt like you could do cartwheels up a hill just because of him.

You don't have to speak

"just follow me. look at my feet." you listen to him and dancing suddenly felt much simpler.

And I know it's hard to tell

"so uh.. does that mean we're like a thing? you're mine i'm yours kinda thing?" he asks awkwardly.

But I think I really like you

"i like you, jaeyun. of course i'm yours."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 01, 2021 ⏰

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