My appearance, Personality, Age and Birthday

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I have white hair.

Wear a grey hoodie,black shirt,black jeans and a pair of dark blood covered shoes.

My skin is ice cold.

My eye colour are glowing red,and when I cry I tear blood.

I have razor sharp teeth like fangs and a carved smile that forever bleeds with both my blood and the blood of my victims.

I sometimes wear a mask to cover my face when I'm in highly populated area's or when I'm working with the agents or I'm in missions my mask is completely black with glowing white eye's.


I'm Sane but I am almost Insane when I kill and feast on my victims

I love everything that is evil and black magic related

I eat human flesh to saint the hunger and increase my powers

I'm kind,caring,brave,fearsome and sometimes evil and good (which makes me neutral)

I like playing videogames,reading and drawing

I sometimes have a temper when I'm pissed off

Depressed most of the time.

Age and Birthday

I'm 22 years old,became a killer at age 18 and my birthday is in the 1st of November, Halloween.

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