Chapter 3

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Bismarck sighed as she looked out the window of her cell. She could see the ocean just below the prison she was in. She could see the faint shadows of that rigging that belonged to that male ship, Kaiser.

They were circling her ship and U-556's submarine. Speaking of the little sub, Bismarck looked over at her cell mate. U-556 was currently eating some food that was brought for them.

Either the Royal Navy treated their prisoners like guests, or Kaiser had it arranged. She wasn't stupid, she saw the way the Royal Navy girls acted around him. It was like they were scared, but did as he asked.

And she knew why. The man held the power of a flagship. Which should have been impossible since one, he was an IronBlood ship and should be following her, and two a flagship of one nation can't command ships from another without that nation's flagship's say so. They most likely didn't want him to use his power on them, so they did it without complaint.

Bismarck sighed and turned to look back out the window. She noticed storm clouds rolling in. It would rain, probably pour, soon.

Oh how she wished she could be out there right now. She got so lost in her thoughts, that she almost didn't hear U-556's Yelp of terror.

She quickly turned around, only to jump back into the wall behind her.

There, right in front of her cell, was Kaiser. Half of his face was covered by shadows, and his ever present grin gave him a terrifying appearance.

To his right was Belfast, wearing her usual maid uniform, and to his left was a female human in a naval officer's uniform

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To his right was Belfast, wearing her usual maid uniform, and to his left was a female human in a naval officer's uniform.

To his right was Belfast, wearing her usual maid uniform, and to his left was a female human in a naval officer's uniform

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Kaiser opened the door to her cell and walked in. U-556 quickly ran over to Bismarck's side and held onto her in fear. They watched as Kaiser leaned in close to Bismarck's face and looked into her eyes.

"I hope you're ready, Bismarck." Kaiser said.

"Why?" She asked.

"Today is the day you earn your freedom." He replied.

This shocked and surprised the IronBlood girls. They had the chance to finally leave and return home, but they were curious about what they had to do to earn their freedom.

"What?" Bismarck softly asked.

Kaiser only smiled and motioned for them to leave the cell.

Once they were outside of the prison where the IronBlood girls were, they made their way to the dock, where many ships were currently docked.

Along the way, the human female introduced herself as Commander Elizabeth Shepherd.

Once they finally arrived, Kaiser turned to Bismarck.

"I won't keep you in suspense much longer. In order to earn your freedom, you must come with us and help us attack your home port. There will be three task forces that will be sent on this mission. You and I will lead the charge." Kaiser told her.

"What?! You want me to betray IronBlood?!" Bismarck shouted at him.

"Yes." Kaiser replied.

Bismarck put up a verbal fight and didn't want to do it, but after some thinking, and words from the others, she reluctantly agreed to do it. It's not like she had any other alternatives, she was currently in enemy waters. There was no where else for her to go, and the joint Royal Navy and Eagle Union fleets would be on her back before she could be anywhere close to friendly waters.

Bismarck reluctantly lowered her head and agreed. Kaiser's smile widened.

"I knew you'd see it our way." He said.

"Who all is going on this operation?" Bismarck asked.

"Ah,ah,ah. That's a secret for now. We're still waiting for the rest of the Eagle Union ships to get here. For now, we eat!" Kaiser said.

The group moved towards a restaurant that was on the base.

As they walked Bismarck noticed the looks she was being given by the other Royal Navy girls, and wondered if she could do this.

She looked up and saw a small break in the dark clouds overhead. She saw the beautiful blue sky, and resolved to do this if it meant being able to see her friends and sister, and being able to sail on the open blue waters beneath the sun and blue skies.

Up ahead of them, Kaiser just smiled. This was going to be one of his most interesting operations to date.

The anticipation was killing him!

There we go. That's all for now. Next chapter will be introducing the girls going on this mission. If you have any girls you would like to see, let me know and I might put them.

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