hogwarts express

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lily's pov:

me and sev walked into one of the only open compartments to find two boys. one who was short and peppy with blonde hair, the other was tall-ish with scars covering a good amount of his face and dirty blonde hair. we sat down across from them as they talked about how excited they were for hogwarts. they looked at us and i smiled "hi! im lily evans! and this is severus, severus snape" i gestered to severus as i introduced him and the tall-ish boy with scars said "im remus lupin, and this is peter pettigrew" he smiled slightly and peter shook severus amd i's hands excitedly. we all talked a little until the door to the compartment opened and we looked to see who was standing there. two average tall boys, one with messy dark hair and round glasses and the other with curly black hair that was right above his shoulders. i smiled at them and the messy haired boy grinned back and the other payed no attention to us.

james' pov:
as soon as we opened the door to the compartment i looked at the others in it, a redhead girl with freckles and the
prettiest smile ive ever seen caught my eye as she shot a smile our way. i couldn't help but grin back at her beauty. i finally broke the silence and said "hey guys! im james potter!" the boy next to me grinned and said "im sirius black!" the tall-ish boy with scars said "im remus lupin, this is peter pettigrew" he said gesturing to peter with a laugh "he gets a bit excited sometimes" peter grinned and we both looked at the redheaded girl and the boy next to her with pale skin and black hair to about his shoulders "im lily evans! and this is my bestfriend sev, severus snape!" the redheaded girl said gesturing to her friend and me and sirius BURST out laughing. "more like snivelus" sirius whispered to me and i held back any more laughter as i sat down next to lily, sirius sat down next to remus.

lily's pov:
these boys seem like theyll be some of the biggest troublemakers of hogwarts. i think ill stay away from them.

james' pov:

here i was sitting next to the prettiest girl ive ever seen, but she wouldnt even look at me. its pretty quiet so ill try to start a conversation. "anyways, what houses are you guys hoping for? i want to be in gryffindor for sure." i say. "probably gryffindor, even though my family wouldnt approve. the lot of them have been in slytherin since as long as anyone can remember." sirius says, slightly annoyed. "i don't really know about the houses or anything but according to dumbledore id be great in gryffindor?" remus says. "definitely gryffindor! or hufflepuff!" an excited peter says. "how about you?" i say, turning to lily. she turns and looks at me, "probably gryffindor, although ravenclaw doesnt sound bad." she says with a smile. we all look at snivelus, "uhm i would probably choose slytherin but i dont really know..." he says. it goes silent for a second until lily breaks the silence. "well im hoping its not too hard to make friends." she says, we all look at her slightly confused, besides severus.  he rolls his eyes, "her parents are muggles." he says with a scoff. we all look at him although lily just looks down at her hands, messing with her nails. "is that a bad thing?" remus says. severus looks at remus and shrugs. me, sirius, peter, and remus talk for the rest of the time but lily stays quiet, and snilevus just gives us dirty looks.

lily's pov:
"just about 5 minutes til the train leaves, leave your luggage it will be brought to your dormitories seperately." the driver says over the speaker. im already in my robes so i just get up and step out while they change into theirs. they step out soon after as we arrive, everyone gets off the train. "firs' years over here! cmon anymore firs' years?!" a large man says. we all walk over to him as he speaks, "as ye' can see hogwarts is right on the other side of the water! 6 to a boat!" me,remus,sirius,peter, and james get into a boat but severus refuses to join us and finds a different boat, which doesn't bother me too much.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 13, 2021 ⏰

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