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This story, which tells the tale of the nine prophesied destroyers of the Phoenix, begins on a lonesome, tall, cold, and frosty mountain.

One's feet would have to trudge through layers of freezing snow to feel stone beneath their feet on this winter mountain, purely forged by nature out of ice and snow, the cold making many perish when crossing through on perilous journeys. Only the strongest survived, so anyone who didn't have reason to go through the mountain would stroll on past it or lay in wait near it. What they waited for, no one knew. The people who waited never stayed for long before deciding to retire to a nearby village or to continue with their lives, this time finding a new purpose in them. The new purpose in their lives would normally be to spread word of something they have waited for and saw in the mountain, though they never explained exactly what they had seen, the only thing everyone knew about them was that they called themselves 'The Spreaders'. They planned to soon spread the word about some sort of power in the mountains ever growing, yet in a much more violent and upsetting way.

All in all, this mountain caused people to go mad, to go insane, and to do absurd things one would never think of doing.

There were many mysteries in the mountain that no one knew, or that most that had known had forgotten about. The Spreaders were the ones who saw and the ones who remembered. They all saw that slight detail off in their memory, something they had lost and forgotten, probably an important thought indeed, was now taken away from them, using ancient magic. They traveled to the mountain, where people would say they grew insane, but what they really came for was to place one and two together. They slowly but surely re-discovered the storm-seekers.

The storm-seekers were once the most powerful group of sorcerers in the world. Some religions believed that they had helped to make the world. These storm-seekers were ancient beings, the youngest of them being thirty-one, and the oldest being one hundred and fifty-three. The apprentices were eighteen years old and grew up until the age of thirty when they would become a true storm-seeker, so they didn't count as the youngest in this circumstance.

A storm-seeker could see deep into the past, present, and future. They could read destiny and bend fate. They were given the power of long life, where they would all die near the age of one hundred and sixty-two. The storm-seekers never see the good in the past, present, and future though. They only see the storms, the bad parts. It was up to them how they decided to use their many other powers and how to make it good.

Each storm-seeker is always given a task by the elder of the tribe to help in sculpting the future. They were the artist, and now they stood in front of a ball of clay. Yet sometimes they need to find more clay, they needed more to sculpt the future and stop the bad from winning. This time, the sculptor, the storm-seeker who goes by the name of Siena Irwin took the task. She had to stop bad in time before all good was destroyed.

Siena Irwin was young for a storm-seeker, only being at the age of eighty-three, her eighty-fourth birthday swiftly approaching. She had thick brown hair, and petrifying violet eyes that could sometimes pass for blue if seen in the dark. Siena had thin lips and a small and somewhat round nose. She was not exactly skinny, but not plump. She was just a bit curved, and that was fine to other storm-seekers. She wore purple robes with a brown belt, a steel sword clipped to the side of it in a sheathe. The robes fell down a bit longer past her knees, but you could still see her ankles. She wore brown leather boots to cover her feet, and actually looked quite pretty. She would look like a twenty year old to a normal human being, for she betrayed the common features of the elderly.

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