Alexis's POV: "Yup!" I laughed as I watched my friends' eyes light up in excitement. The look on their faces was priceless. "Hello Alexis! So I'm guessing these are your friends?" Joey asked, ruffling my hair slightly and motioning to the three starstruck people in front of me. I nodded. Switzy was the first to move. "Ok so let me get this straight, your brother is Stampy and he's standing in front of us RIGHT NOW?" He asked. "Indeed!" I smiled. "COOL!!" Chex-Mix said excitedly. The David spoke up. "Hey, what am I? Rotten flesh?" He joked. "Oh, sorry David!" I said, giving him a hug. "Oh my freakin God, best day ever!" Kate squealed. "Ok. So Joey and David, these are my friends. Cheressa, or Chex-Mix, Switzy, or Switzerland, and Kaylor, or Kate" I explained, each one of my friends waving as their names were called. "Great! Nice to meet you guys!" Joey smiled. "It's nice to meet you as well!" David said.
"Oh Chex-Mix, that must be your sister!" I said, going over to the door. I opened it to see a girl who looked about 2 years older than me with black hair with red tips and green eyes in our doorway. "Hi, I'm guessing your Lily Rose, Cheressa's sister. Right?" I asked. "Yeah, is she here?" The girl asked. "Yup! Come in!" I said, stepping out of the way. She walked in and stopped in her tracks. "Hey sis!" Chex-Mix smiled. "Is.... Is that...?" Lily Rose said. "Yup! That's stanpylongnose. Other known as, my brother!" I said. "Well hello there! I'm guessing you're this one's sister, right?" Joey said, pointing to Chex-Mix. Lily nodded, still shocked. "Well, it's a pleasure to meet you!" Lily said, snapping out of it. "It's a pleasure to meet you as well" Joey smiled. "Come on sis, we have to go now" Chex-Mix said. "We have to go now as well. See you guys later?" Kate and Switzerland said. "Ok. Bye guys!" I smiled, hugging my friends. They waved, picked up their things, and went out the door. "Well your friends seem nice" David said. "They are" I sighed as I looked out the window. To my surprise (and happiness, mind you) Switzy and Kaylor were holding hands. Ok, my day has officially been made.
Sorry it's short. As some of you guys may know, I'm sick and about 3/4 into writing this, I got a splitting headache. Promise, next chapter will be more interesting!
I'm related to who?!?!
AcakAlexis has been living with her terrible foster family for 12 years until she finds out she has a grown up brother who lives in the UK! But little does she know her long lost family is her favorite youtuber, stampylongnose! But months after meeting...