The fight.

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Sapnap and the other 3 (Dream, Quackity, and George) were all at Quackitys house talking, George completely ignored Sapnap as he only really payed attention to the other 2. "George!" Sapnap tried getting George's attention, pulling his sleeve and waving his hand in front of George's face. Finally George looked at Sapnap, but it's like he was looking straight through him. "What's wrong? What's your problem with me?" Sapnap asked in the most gentle way he could. George looked as if he was about to burst. "..really? That's a question? Look at yourself Sapnap! You're a fucking mess!" Sapnap stared at George for a bit "Yeah.. so what? I have a drinking problems mixed with depression of course I'm a mess." He replied. George groaned in anger "You're pathetic. 'A drinking problem' ITS MORE THAN THAT! You haven't went and even tried to see Karl's grave yet, talked to the rest of us, god you even stopped streaming, you just sit there and smoke as well, everything you do is just pathetic now!" Sapnap sat there in slight shock as so did the other two as the room got quieter.

"Reall?" Sapnap laughed a bit "Try harder."

George took a deep breath and smirked "Pill diet Pill Diet, if they give you a new pill then you will buy it, if they say to lull yourself then you will try it-"

Sapnap cut George off "All the makeup in the world won't make you less insecure. You got weights in your pockets when you go to the doctors. Your favorite candys cotton, that's why your teeth are rottin'... silly George"

George paused for a second, slight panic on his face soon turns to anger "Silly Sapnap.." Sapnap immediately got a panicked look on his face "George you wouldn't..."

George smirked "Blood still stains when the sheets are washed, sex don't sleep when the lights are off, kids are still depressed when you dress them up, and syrup is still syrup in a sippy cup." (Referred as Karl when said kid) George looked directly into Sapnaps eyes and a wide smirk appeared on his face "He's still dead when you're done with the bottle! Of course it's a Corpse you keep in a empty fridge in the basement! Kids are still depressed when you dress them up. Syrup is still syrup in a sippy cup."

Sapnap sat there with tears in his eyes staring at George, before Sapnap could even think about saying anything George got up and left, taking Dream with him. Quackity rushed to Sapnap and hugged him as Sapnap broke down into tears.. the two stayed like that all night, quackity was there for Sapnap ever since Karl died, he's the only one that didn't even think about blaming Sapnap for what happened... "Don't worry.. I'm here" quackity said as the two went to sleep, hoping he helped even a little bit..

Hi guys! I'm sorry this isn't that good, I hope you guys liked it though!

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⏰ Last updated: May 13, 2021 ⏰

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