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WARNING: This chapter contains some graphic violence.

Somewhere at Rio in an abandoned warehouse.

"Alright sam how many do you count?"

"80 men and abundance of illegal drugs too"

"Thanks Sam, everyone in position?"
Tony, Steve, Clint, Natasha, Thor and Sam responded.

"Alright guys lets do this" The brunette Alpha silently entered and started to stealthly take down some of the guards. He had run into Steve and two began to take down some guards.


Nat had run into Clint and the two continued their assualt until Clint offered to be look out while Nat examined a room. What happened next was unexpected. A few guards began to fire their automatics and Nat was able to dodge them. Clint heard the voice and barged in firing arrows at great speed.

"We gotta get out of here Nat"

The spy shook her head "They are armed to teeth it means the drugs are nearby, and I am sure they are hiding something else"

"Dammit Nat we are getting outgunned" The archer pointed out as more men came out, one of them having a rocket launcher.

"Shit" she cursed as she got graze.

"What the the hell is going over there?" Bucky asked through comms.

"We could use some backup"

"Stand down Bucky, Clint and I have this handled"

"Sam and I will be there in less than four minutes"

"DAMN IT BUCKY I SAID STAND DOWN" Nat let out an aggravated sound as bucky didn't bother listening.


Turning around she was met with a guy with knife. Gracefully she managed to dodge the blade. The man let out another knife and began to use the knives expertly. Nat dropped her guns in favour of taser batons.

Nat could hear the sounds of Sam's wings piercing through the air and Bucky's bioconic arm hitting some goons. She growled obviously annoyed with Bucky's interference.
Another bullet grazed her side while the knife user cut through her left arm causing her to drop her batons and cry out in pain.

The moment Bucky heard her painful cry all he could see was red. Instincts crying out to him.


A low animalistic growl escaped his throat. His canines became long and sharp and his canines became long and sharp. His blue eyes became golden. Bucky could feel his nails becoming sharp like claws. The beast within him clawing at him. Alpha instincts took over. Sam took note of Bucky'smell and could feel himself getting scared. The super soldier let out a snarl dropping his gun he began to kill those who hurt Nat.

The first goon was slammed into the wall eyes widening as Bucky's claws dug deep into into his neck. Without a second thought Bucky ripped out his cardioid and the man was bleeding to death through his neck. The soldier was moving at a Breakneck pace his claws slashing at every goon. He ignored the bullets grazing on his stealth suit.

While Nat was shocked at what her James was doing, the knife user stabbed her at her side and she bit her lip to prevent herself from yelling knowing Bucky would come to her. She didn't need to be rescued, she is tge Black Widow Dammit!. Nat grabbed the man by his wrist and twisting his wrist and he screamed letting go of his knife. Nat grunted as she pulled the knife stabbing him successfully killing him.

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