~knock knock~

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Opening the door of the studio I smell fresh paint and canvases making me feel safe .
Traveling down the line of paintings I come across my favorite one , me and a happy family ..... With the back of my
Hand I wipe my tears that unexpectedly fall. As I sit behind the desk , someone walks in, it's Jamie he's shirtless , I cover my eyes , as my mind thinks of my mothers saying ," if you ever see a man naked and he isn't your husband then your a whore ."
" Ooh sorry I thought this was the bathroom ." he explains and closes the door , I leap up and open the door to find him struck dumb , still covering my eyes I direct him to the bathroom , it's like I know this house from the back of my head .

" Thanks , " he says , as I wait for him outside.
Once he's done i leave him and walk into the kitchen .
" Sorry I don't sleep with jeans or a t shirt . " He says , and I'm confused what the hell ?
" Cuz I'm only wearing my boxers . " He adds and I get it finally .

" It's ok ... " I say removing my hand , and stare at his body wow he is a goddess .

" Im ... Sorry " I apologize ,

" For ? " He asks .

" Starring at you its just that I never ..... " I try to finish my sentence but I'm interrupted by a knock . and I'm scared who could it be , I run under the table .

" Hey it's ok , " Christain says , holding his hand out, I take it and he helps me up .

" I'll get it ," he adds .


Opening the door I find my father ,

" DAD ! " I yell .

" Son ! What happened to you. " He says and gives me a hug .

" Why are you naked ! " He adds.

" Dad it's not what it looks like , I found this girl in the woods her name is Dakota , and she helped me we didn't do anything I swear . " I explain .

" Well go on get your things., Let's go . " He says And my heart leaps out of my Chest I can't leave her she's unstable

" Dad please let me stay , " I plead

" No son ! Go this lady could be a lunatic . " My dad says .

"Dad I can't , " I yell .

" Look if you don't come home now to your worries family you can stay with this stranger ! Until you get some common sense ! " My father yells .

I decide to ......................
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Lost boy ( jamie dornan and dakota Johnson)Where stories live. Discover now