#01 : join me for a drink

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* hello. this is my first non-tsukki book in over... a year? idk. ALSO, im not exactly following the genshin "plot" yk? if i get anything major wrong, just lmk and i'll fix it heheh!

+ pls don't say any slurs (r slur, n slur, f slur) idc if you can/are allowed to say it, don't put it in my comment section. thank you*


If [y/n] was prompted to say what was, possibly, the most annoying thing in all of Teyvat, she'd answer with the name: Kaeya Alberich.

The tall navy blue haired boy was a bother that loves to pester the junior he had grown fond of after she had been assigned to his squad and become someone he looked after out on the frontlines. Not only did he bother her while she was at work, he had become the annoying senior who always invited her out for drinks knowing she clearly did not want to go.

"Come on," Kaeya drawled out playfully as he leaned against the wall with his arms crossed over his chest. The sly smirk on his lips were beginning to irk her. Was it overkill to draw a sword on a man for simply smiling? "Don't be such a bore."

The two were stood just outside the gate of Mondstadt off to the side to avoid running in with any incoming civilians that wanted to pass through. The male was about four feet away with his body rested against the rough, grey stone wall that surrounded the city, perfectly situated in a spot where he'd be shielded from the rain. As for [y/n], she stood under some shelter provided by an old wooden structure. Her duty had been to clean up the boxes gathered there then head home for the day.

Unfortunately, her work was being delayed by the same captain who had assigned the work to her.

"I'm busy, Sir Kaeya." She shot him a flat look, clearly not amused with his attempts to get her to follow him. "A Calvary Captain like yourself isn't busy? You're not slacking off, are you?"

His jaw dropped in mock surprise. "How foolish of you to make such an assumption. Slacking off is not within my vocabulary." The smirk returned to his lips as he slinked over to her, clapping his hands slowly. "I'm sure a single, emotionally-challenged—don't draw your sword on me—woman like you has nothing better to do, so why don't you join me for a drink? I know a lovely tavern that you'd like."

"I am not fond of alcohol. You know that." [y/n] sighed with a small glare. If his goal was pushing her buttons, he had accomplished just that a thousand times over. There were too many reasons as to why she wanted to reject his invitations every time; a lot of those reasons including the fact that being seen with him outside of work could create rumors. The citizens of Mondstadt were quite fond of gossip.

"If you're perturbed about our image as a man and woman going on an outing together, I see no problem in us sharing a drink together. After all, rumors are still rumors until it's true." Kaeya grinned stupidly, almost proud of the fact that he could throw together a bunch of words and make it sound wise. It was just him and his incessant babbling once again.

Laying her hand flush against the wooden box, she exhaled deeply with a defeated look on her face. "If I join you for one drink, will you do me a favor?"

The male perked up at the request. He nodded, pushing himself of the wall to step closer to her. "Anything, as long as it's within my limits."

His smile looked foolishly happy upon hearing that she'd finally cave into his offer for drinks.

"I'll join you for drinks only if you," she leaned in, smiling softly, "quit bothering me afterwards so I can complete my tasks without a headache."

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