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You guys may get confused in this chapter but I'll explain later


A few months later...Corpse and Sykkuno were at home in Sykkuno's bed

"I wonder what's our future like" Sykkuno wondered "Me too, but let's enjoy our time together" Corpse suggested

Corpse picked up Sykkuno and placed him on his lap and made their foreheads touch

"I love you Sykkuno" Corpse smiled "I love you more" Sykkuno smiled

A few hours past and Sykkuno fell asleep, Corpse set him on the bed gently and got up and went to the kitchen to talk with Sykkuno's mom

"Umm I have something I want to talk about with you" Corpse said nervously "Of course come" Sykkuno's mom guided Corpse to the living room

They both sat down and Sykkuno's mom noticed Corpse was fiddling with his rings and she sensed he was nervous

"Ok so...I bought a house...and I wanted to surprise Sykkuno for his birthday and...I decided to give him the keys for the house because...it's gonna be our home" Corpse looked up to meet Sykkuno's moms eyes

She was shocked but a smile crept on her face "Of course you can, I can stay here alone and you two live your life" Sykkuno's mom happily said "Oh my god thank you" Corpse said in relief.

Sykkuno's birthday was around the corner so Corpse went to their almost new home

Corpse decorated the place so he can surprise Sykkuno when he shows him

"Finished" Corpse smiled and flopped on the couch

He wondered if Sykkuno's gonna like it.

-time skip-

It was the day of Sykkuno's birthday and Sykkuno decided not to celebrate it cause of his fathers and sisters death it was the right thing to do in Sykkuno's mind

Corpse got the key to their house and put it in his pocket so when they get there he can give it to him

"Happy birthday" Sykkuno's mom hugged Sykkuno "Thanks mom" Sykkuno smiled

Corpse soon came out of his room and hugged Sykkuno from behind "Happy birthday babe" Corpse giggled and so did Sykkuno "I have a surprise for you" Corpse smiled and Sykkuno got excited what his boyfriend got for him

"I'll see you boys later" Sykkuno's mom left "Show me!" Sykkuno said getting excited "Cover your eyes" Corpse said and Sykkuno covered his eyes with his hands and let Corpse lead him

Corpse pulled Sykkuno lightly and Sykkuno said "Oh?" Sykkuno thought he was gonna give it to him but their going somewhere

Corpse drove to their soon to be home, Corpse dragged Sykkuno there

And both of them entered the house, "You can open your eyes now" Corpse said and Sykkuno quickly opened his eyes

His eyes widen they were at a house "What is this?" Sykkuno turned to look at Corpse "Our new home" Corpse smiled and Sykkuno began to tear up "You bought a house for the both of us" Sykkuno cried and Corpse nodded and hugged Sykkuno while Sykkuno cried happy tears

"And here's the key for the house" Corpse said giving Sykkuno the key "Thank you Corpse" Sykkuno kissed his cheek "Does my mom know?" Sykkuno asked "Yes and she was okay with it" Corpse kissed Sykkuno's cheek "So when do you wanna move in?" Corpse asked "NOW!" Sykkuno says rushing out the door and Corpse just giggled

Corpse already had his stuff here he was just waiting for Sykkuno

Sykkuno brought all his stuff but left some stuff at his moms house

"Where's my room?" Sykkuno asked "Come" Corpse motioned for him to come

Sykkuno followed and they were in a room but it was Corpse's room Sykkuno thought "But this is your room?" Sykkuno tilted his head "That's why this is our room" Corpse smiled and Sykkuno smiled and settled in while Corpse made food for them

A few hours had past and Sykkuno spended his birthday with Corpse

"We're not doing that nasty stuff tho" Sykkuno pointed at Corpse "Okay okay, I wasn't planning on to...yet" Corpse giggled and Sykkuno playfully slapped him which made Corpse laugh

They heard a knock on the door and Corpse stopped laughing and Sykkuno got up and went towards the door he opened it and gasped

"Baby what is it?" Corpse said also getting up, Corpse went behind Sykkuno to see a man and a girl almost about their age

"F-Father?!" Sykkuno shakily said "I-I thought you were dead!" Sykkuno said fighting back tears "Hello Thomas and yes but they told us we weren't supposed to tell for 10 years" his father explained "Hi Thomas remember me?" A girl asked

Sykkuno looked at them both "C-Come in" Sykkuno gestured them in

They sat on their couch and Corpse sat next to Sykkuno rubbing his thigh signaling that everything is gonna be okay

"I'm just glad your not dead" Sykkuno finally said "We're happy to see you" his sister said "Sarah...I missed you so much" Sykkuno breathed "Me too" Sarah smiled

"And who is this handsome man there" His father said looking at Corpse "Oh heh he's actually my boyfriend" Sykkuno giggled looking at Corpse flustered

"I can see you two love each other very much" Sykkuno's father smiled "I love him with all my heart" Corpse smiled at Sykkuno and Sykkuno giggled nervously

"How did you know my house was here?" Sykkuno asked "I went to our old house and I saw your mother she was pleased to see me, and I asked her where you were at and she told me you left to your new home a few hours ago, and she gave me the address and I came here" his father explained "Yeah" Sykkuno said

"Do you guys need anything to eat,drink?" Sykkuno asked "We're fine" Sykkuno's sister and father said at the same time

"Well make yourself at home if you'll like, me and my boyfriend will go to our room" Sykkuno said grabbing Corpse's hand and dragging him to their room

"I wanna sleep" Sykkuno admitted "Ok let's go on the bed" Corpse said softly

They both soon got on the bed Corpse's hands on Sykkuno's hips pulling him close to his chest and they both soon drifted off to sleep

"Sykkuno..." Sarah entered the room and saw them sleeping together almost spooning

Sarah quickly grabbed her father and took him to the room "Look" Sarah whispered

His eyes soften that his son found someone he'll spend his life with

He closed the door and let them rest "I'm happy for Sykkuno...he looks so happy with him" Sarah smiled "Yeah let's leave his presents on the counter and come tomorrow" His father said and Sarah nodded and left their gifts for Sykkuno since it was still his birthday

They got in the car and Sarah got the guts to tell her dad that she wanted to live with her mom and enroll to Sykkuno's school since their the same age "Dad...umm can we live with my mom since Sykkuno lives here now...and also can I enroll to his school" Sarah said nervously

Her father looked at her and smiled "Of course" he said and drove to Sykkuno's mom's house and Sarah smiled out the window she's finally home

☘︎Till I Met You☘︎•Corpsekkuno FanFic ~Completed~Where stories live. Discover now