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Sykkuno groaned shutting his alarm off he sat up from his bed and looked around realizing it was his first day of school "It's the first day of school" Sykkuno said nervously.

He got out of bed and put on his outfit for the day he wore a light blue hoodie and some dark blue jeans.

He went downstairs to see his mom cooking "Aw honey your awake, here's your breakfast"  Sykkuno's mom said putting the plate of food in front of him.

"Thanks mom" Sykkuno said while taking a seat and eating his breakfast

"So are you excited for your first day of school?" Sykkuno's mom said while sitting down at the table with her breakfast

"I wouldn't say excited...just nervous" Sykkuno said nervously

"What's there to be nervous about?" Sykkuno's mom raised her brow

"What if...they don't like me" Sykkuno said looking at his mom

"I'm sure they'll love you" she said putting a hand on his shoulder

"Well, thanks for the food mom" Sykkuno said while getting up and getting his things

"Have fun at school!" Sykkuno's mom yelled

"Will do!" Sykkuno yelled back

Sykkuno was walking to school it was nice weather out today, he soon reached the school it's was big, bigger than his old one

He entered the school his eyes sparked at how beautiful it was, he walked to the school's office to get his schedule

"Hello" the lady at the desk waved

"Uh h-hi umm I came here to get my schedule" Sykkuno said nervously

"Your the new student correct?" the lady looked up at Sykkuno, and Sykkuno nodded in response, "Thomas" she tilted her head while looking down at Sykkuno's report

"Umm you c-can call me S-Sykkuno" Sykkuno said nervously starting to fiddle with his fingers

"Here you go" the lady handed him a paper of his classes also with a map of the school "I hope you have a wonderful year here" the lady smiled, Sykkuno smiled back and exited the office

"So my first class is math" Sykkuno said looking down at his schedule, he soon found his class with the help of the map the lady in office gave him he entered his first class

He sat at the very back because there wasn't much space left at the front he sat between a guy wearing all black and a girl with short brown hair

Sykkuno didn't make any eye contact with them he sat down and listened to the lesson.  Class was over but Sykkuno couldn't help but notice the guy wearing all black was still sitting down in his own world, Sykkuno was about to speak up when a guy wearing a light green hoodie called him

"Corpse class is over come on" the guy said Corpse got up and walked away with the person who called him.

It was soon lunch time Sykkuno had Corpse for all his classes so far he got his lunch his mom prepared for him and sat down at a empty table.  He ate his lunch peacefully when a girl with long brown and blonde hair walked over to his table

"Hi I'm Rae your the new student right?" Rae asked Sykkuno just nodded "Great come on and sit with me and my friends" Rae said dragging Sykkuno to her table

"I forgot I didn't get your name" Rae turned to look at Sykkuno

"I'm Sykkuno" Sykkuno smiled

"Nice name" Rae turned around cause they arrived at her table

"Hey guys this is Sykkuno" Rae introduced him to her friends

"Hey I'm Toast" Toast smiled

Rae and Toast were waiting for Corpse to say something but he didn't say a single word since Sykkuno came to their table

"Corpse don't be rude" Rae crossed her arms

"I'm not" Corpse said kinda harshly while running a hand through his hair

"Well you can sit next to Toast and sorry about him" Rae apologized and Sykkuno just nodded not wanting to speak

They were all talking except for Corpse Sykkuno would eye him every once in while but Sykkuno couldn't help but feel uncomfortable he felt as if Corpse wanted him gone.

"Umm I-I have to g-go" Sykkuno said while getting up and leaving the cafeteria

Rae and Toast turned their heads to Corpse and Corpse noticed

"See what you did Corpse you made him leave he's new here!" Rae said

"It's not my fault he doesn't have any friends" Corpse scoffed

"Corpse you were just like him if it weren't for us you would of still be by yourself" Rae looked in his eyes

Corpse felt guilt and sadness he remembered when he was just like Sykkuno...but there was something about him Corpse didn't like "But I'll still won't be his friend" Corpse said

"You guys will be friends even if you say you guys won't you guys will trust me you guys will, or maybe you guys will become something more" Toast smirked

"Ew as if, I wouldn't date someone like him" Corpse laughed coldly

"Whatever you say Corpse" Rae rolled her eyes

Corpse went to his next class not to only notice Sykkuno there 'He's like in all my classes' Corpse said in his head

Corpse sat at the very back away from Sykkuno.  Corpse wasn't really paying attention but he decided he should pay attention for once

"Okay today's group project you guys will be pair's of two" the teacher said

"Oh I wonder who I'm going to pair with" Corpse mumbled, Corpse was playing around with his pencil making music with it while listening to the teacher he was saying who's going to be paired up with with who

"And lastly is...Corpse and Sykkuno" the teacher said putting down his paper

The pencil Corpse was playing around with fell to the ground causing everyone to look at him so did Sykkuno

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