||a ghost along the mississipi||

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season 3 episode 10
Ophelia outfit

"No. No. No. Arghh!"Klaus yells in pain and throws everything he sobs and she's wakes up gasping.


"Tell me what happened, please."Klaus said putting her on a blanket.

"Aurora. She did this to me I don't know how. I died again. I'm dead all over again."She said sobbing.

"She will pay for her actions! I swear to you okay!"Klaus yells.

"Oh, what's happening to me?"She asks him as he looks down at her.

"You need feed on blood to heal."Klaus said she goes showers


Hayley tries to get out of the chains.

"I tried that. Tried that. The more wolfsbane gets pumped into your veins."Jackson said to Hayley

"I know I tried that. Are you okay?"Hayley asks Jackson as he coughs up.

"They, Uh they worked me over pretty good. With all the wolfsbane in my system, I ain't healing so well."Jackson said looking at her.

"Just breathe. When we get a chance to fight, be ready."She said to him looking back.

"Hayley, Hayley, listen. I don't know if I'm gonna get that chance."Jackson said looking at her.

"Stop. We are gonna get out of here,Jack I promise."Hayley said and promises him.

"I love you. Okay? I've always loved you-"He said as he gets interrupted by Hayley.


"When I first saw you, I broke. You broke me. And nothing has ever been the same since. I just want you to know that it was all real. Every moment. Every touch. Every word."He said to her and Tristen comes in.

"How absolutely darling. Or pathetic. I suppose it's all relative."Tristen said and comes in.

"You let us out of here or so help me I will kill you!"Hayley yells.

"Mmm. Somehow I doubt it. I've been pondering this moment since you tortured me.
What is the best way to truly hurt hybrid and then it came to me."Tristen said to her as he grabs Jackson and rips his heart.

"No! No! No! No!ah! Ah! No!"Hayley yells in pain as she sees his husband dead.


"He killed Jackson and Brian I thought Aurora did?"Ophelia asks Klaus.

"Well, no. Aurora lied to protect his selfish brother. Which means we're gonna do something awful."Klaus said he kisses her and leaves she smiles.


"Let go of me!"Camille yells and Klaus has her in his arms and puts her inside of spell.

"I'm afraid I don't have time to be delicate sorry."Klaus said to her.

"What the hell."

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