chapter 1

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Naruto's p.o.v

We are waiting in the class room and im wearing my mask like always waiting wondering who are sensei will be I hate how sakura loves sasuke but I have another love interest than the door opens I see father 'I know he's not my real father but I don't care I still call him dad, father, and papa' "hey dad I did not know you'd be are sensei" he nods "ok lets go to the roof and introduce our selves" we all follow father up to the roof we sit down except him he's reading his book "im kakashi hatake and my likes are my son, reading and other things my dislikes I don't want to share" I smile he points at me "im Naruto hatake-uzamaki my likes are ramen, my dad and mom and practicing my jutsu so I can become a strong ninja my dislikes I rather not share" he points at sakura "im sakura haruno my likes are [looks at sasuke] and my dislikes are Naruto cause he's so annoying" she didn't even realize my last name is the same as sensei's and he gets mad "what did you say about my son sakura" that's when she realized I was the son of the sensei's "sorry sensei" he than pointed at sasuke "im sasuke uchia and my likes are personal [blushing] and my dislikes are my brother itachi" 'why was he blushing' I just ignored it at the time "ok were going to the training ground to do a test but fox your going to sit out or do you want to be the one testing them" I smile "dad I want to test them" I hear laughing from sakura and a chuckle from sasuke "you think Naruto is better then sasuke sensei I bet sasuke can test us better than Naruto no offense sensei" I know dads smirking "yeah cause he's the top of your class I just had the school make it seem he's the lowest in your class and he's at anbu level but he wants to be doing everything normal" dad said "hey dad can you show them the one trick" he nods while he shows them the trick I use shadow clone and have my clone sit where I sit and I jump up on the ceiling and use a camouflage jutsu "that was amazing dad" my clone says than dad throws a kunai at my clone I drop down and catch the kunai "wait when did you do that and how did we not notice" sakura says "I did it will dad showed you guys a 'trick'" they showed surprise "dad lets head to the training ground" he nods we all head to the training ground

its the same as the show but Naruto is kakashi and Naruto isn't a participant

"so you guys pass for just 2 of you" they were scared and surprised of Naruto "hey father I have to go" he looks confused "uhm why?" I look at him "remember temari is on her way and I haven't seen my girlfriends in months" that surprised and sadden from sasuke its both but from sakura it was just surprised "right I forgot she was coming today isn't she staying for a while too" I nod my head "also don't you dare tell uncle obito but ill tell mom" he nods I flash point home "hey mom im home" she comes running to me and gives me a hug "why didn't you tell me temari was coming" I look at her with a don't you dare look "I told you she was coming this morning remember" she remembers and goes walking to the kitchen with a sad look then temari comes out of the kitchen to me "hey babe why didn't you tell your mom I was coming" I just kiss her on the lips "oh I did she just forgot that's Rin Nohara my mother for yah" she looks at me and just smiles and laughs at me "hey mom me and tem are going to my room" I yell and then she yells "k make sure if you do it to wear protection I don't want grand babies yet" me and temari blush real hard and go up to my room when we got their I closed my door "hey tem you tired from your travel" she nods "k then lets take a nap she nods then we fell asleep

timeskip brought to you by temari and naruto snuggling during their nap

I woke up from our nap and tem is still asleep then I see a flash and see mom took a pic of me and tem

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 08, 2022 ⏰

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